How much would you pay to wake up early?

Andrew Bryk
2 min readNov 4, 2013


How much would you pay to wake up early and be productive?

I am exponentially more productive the days I wake up before 9. However, on many occasions I fall back asleep.

My problem has always stemmed from my surroundings. I would wake up and relax in my apartment. This was extremely counter productive. There are too many distractions. I may have been waking up early but my environment was preventing me from actually doing anything.

I needed a change. One morning, I decided to wake up, shower, get dressed and immediately leave my apartment to go to the cafe across the street. That morning was a game-changer. I was finally able to do work. As I can’t really go to a cafe everyday and not buy anything, I started to get breakfast.

Since I have started this routine, my productivity has gone way up in the morning. I am paying to wake up early and be productive. A coffee and bagel costs an average of about $5 depending on the cafe. I go about 6 days a week. So in essence, each year I am paying around $1,560 to wake up early and be productive. I think it is 100% worth it. The amount of time I gain from being up early instead of sleeping an extra unnecessary 2-3 hours is worth way more.

My solution taught me that the act itself is not all that matters but I understand everything that revolves around the action. I was able to wake up early but only when I changed my surroundings was I able to become more productive.

