a Playground in Brussels / Photo by www.flickr.com/photos/dystopos/

Life is a playground!

Agustian Hermanto
2 min readOct 2, 2013

According to Merriam-Webster, playground (n) means:

“An outdoor area where children can play that usually includes special equipment (such as swings and slides).”

It is a place where children come to laugh, cry, collaborate, argue, fall, rise, grow, create, see old friends, meet new friends, and have fun.

it is, practically, what life is all about.

Life is a playground is a philosophy I’ve held dearly close to my heart and it plays a major role in shaping me into who I am today.

Do you remember how it feels to swing as high as you could?

Do you remember how creative can you be when you sit in the sandbox and just create?

Do you remember how fun it is to slide?

Imagination is key.

I grew up with a different kind of playground. My playground didn’t have slide, swing, sandbox, jungle gym, etc. It is rather an unconventional one because my playground was my family’s building supply store.

Family’s building supply store in Jakarta, Indonesia

I loved playing in the sandbox. I climbed over paint shelves as if it was mount everest. I was jumping over trucks while James Bond was jumping over crocodiles. I built futuristic miniature architectures with screws, pipe fittings and connectors. Stack of bricks was my fort.

Life is a playground is not just about unleashing your inner child. It’s about looking at life through a different lens.

Just like on a swing: gain momentum and aim for the highest.

Just like seesaw: to find the perfect balance is an art.

Just like jungle gym: go through your obstacles and have fun.

Just like sandbox: create, create and create.

Just like going down the slide: enjoy the ride of your life.

Just like merry-go-round: appreciate the cycle of life.

There you have it. Care to play?



Agustian Hermanto

Sixty Two co-founder. Product strategist. Dive the deepest sea and hike the highest mountain. Life is a Playground!