The mother land

Let’s be Productive

And let’s stop with all the excuses while we’re at it

Roland Faruzzy
3 min readNov 1, 2013


Hello there, my name is Roland, I am a Web Developer primarily focusing on JavaScript. As you may have already have come to understand:I’m in love with the web and I do love everything that is technology related.

Well, It’s been quite a long run. Where do I start ?

About a week ago or so, I was writing some C# code when I stumbled upon an issue which required me to write a custom sorting algorithm that I recalled studying when I was still a student. I wrote a first version, but quickly realized that it wasn’t going to be efficient for large data. Hmm .. Interesting problem I thought, let me google that.

What was suppose to be a 30 min quick investigation turned out to have taken me a long day. As I was reconnecting with all that piece of knowledge I hadn’t used in a very long time obviously. I read something about the Big O Notation, which is a topic we had covered in my Data Structures class, but while I was reading it I couldn’t help but keep on telling myself: Wow, I really wish I had taken this course more seriously.

You see life can be short and fragile. Therefore it should be handled with care! I have come to learn that some opportunities are meant to come only once in a life time and should be ceased. Failing to do so, can have really bad consequences. In my case, I’m pretty sure that I’ll never have to seat in a Data Structure classroom again. That opportunity came once, it is gone, forever. It is what it is and there’s nothing I can do about it.

Now, I am well aware of the fact that forgetting how to implement a particular algorithm is something that can happen to anyone of us. Especially if you are a Web Developer like me who tends to focus on the Front End. Let’s face it you are not going to need to remember how to implement your own Stack or Queue.

But all of this triggered some thinking about the different aspects of my life in general. And The more I kept thinking about it, the more I was starting to recognize recurring patterns. I started taking some mental notes of the fact that it was obvious that I have the tendency to admire things that I could do, without actually doing them. Also, I have the bad habit of postponing tasks (I tend to excel in that particular domain)

Take this for example: I have been planning to start blogging for almost 2 years now. I intended to use WordPress at the time. I even started writing my custom template but the blog never materialized, because (I must admit it) I kept telling myself I’ll finish it up next week.. on and on.

Funny enough, as I was writing this article, I had the idea of finishing it tomorrow since it is already late. I’m proud to say that I rebuked the idea with the strongest energy.

After taking all this time to think.

I have come with four resolutions:

  • Whatever you do, do it well
  • No more “I wish”
  • Do what you say you’re going to do
  • Don’t plan for tomorrow what you can do today

And this starts today!

I’ll be sharing in this blog the things that I encounter and learn. And I hope that you’ll be accompanying me during this long journey!



Roland Faruzzy

Jesus worshiper. JavaScript addict. Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.