Brian Wilson

Investment Opportunity! 

If you are a VC or an Angel Investor you should read this!

Aline Mary
2 min readOct 10, 2013


Investing on a Startup is a high risk operation. Either you can fund the next Google or you can lose all the money you invested.

If you are an investor you probably already heard a pitch like this:

“It is like Instagram but for dogs.”

So here is my crazy idea with a different kind of ROI. And, in some cases, you don’t need to invest money, you might only invest your time and expertise.

It is like Facebook but for Education.

It is like Foursquare but for Drinking Water.

It is like Uber but for School Transportation.

There are a lot opportunities if you want to make impact and change lives. You could help redesign cities and/or preserve the Forest and the Ocean for your great-grandchildren.

Don’t get me wrong, I still believe on the success of Instagram for dogs.

Now that they can unlock the new iPhone…

… It is only a matter of time for them to start sharing pictures of their food and good moments.

