Member-only story
A Very Thorough Guide to Quitting Coffee and Other Caffeine
Here’s the secret for how to quit caffeine—permanently or as a temporary break—without feeling terrible.
Note to readers: If you enjoy this article, check out my new Substack blog, Building Your Future. Most of my articles these days are being published there.
For a society that vilifies “drugs,” we sure seem to love our caffeine. From morning coffee to pre-workout supplements to the soda coolers in the checkout line at almost every store these days, caffeine is nearly as ubiquitous as water.
Now, caffeine isn’t evil. In fact, as you’ll see, it can be amazing … at low dosages. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to consume too much, too often. Especially if you’re a stimulant junkie like me.
I spent most of my life being addicted to caffeine. From washing down daily Dr. Peppers when I was a teenager to chugging green tea to help me work as an adult, I’ve always found it hard to practice moderation. I’ve quit caffeine a few times, but it was always brutally painful and difficult, at least at first.
More recently, though, I’ve been able to quit caffeine for weeks at a time, whenever I want to, without experiencing much in the way of withdrawal. Now I don’t have caffeine every…