Why do I believe in humanity now.

5 things that give me a positive vision of our world.

Joseph Ayoub
(Better) Life
4 min readApr 2, 2015


We are in a full austerity period. There are bad stuff all over the news, wars in a lot of countries, people suffering from bad disease and huge economy crisis. Yet I can still manage to find some ressource to tell you that we are living in one of the best eras in the world. Here’s my top 5.

1. Mark Zuckerberg is the new Britney Spears.

While I was growing up, everybody wanted to be a super star. Back then if you wanted to be a super star, you had to be an actor, a singer or a TV host. Sure you got all of these real TV bullshit. But true stars of our days ? Entrepreneurs. It’s not anymore about how you look, about your beautiful voice or about who you slept with. It is most importantly about what you can do as a person. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Britney Spears did not work hard, or Kim Kardashian did not get famous by showing off her body, I’m just saying Entrepreneur is an option now and with leaders like Steve Jobs, Zuckerberg, Richard Branson ot Elon Musk, we’re on a good way.

2. I did not get spoiled Game of Thrones.

Did you know that people have actually read the Game of Thrones books ? They are maybe 3 or 4 seasons ahead of us. They knew all about the deaths and the alliances. And yet, they managed to keep this a secret from us, poor TV watchers. The spoiler culture is probably one of the coolest things to happen. It’s kind of a big birthday surprise party. You know it’s coming, you just don’t know when. And everybody managed to keep this a secret from you.

3. Because BuzzFeed is killing Rotten

We hear in this business about Buzzfeed, its bad retention, and how stupid it is making people who are drifting away from real journalism. In France we have websites like Demotivateur or MinuteBuzz who are mastering in this clickbait industry. But I remember what it was like being an internet early adopter in the late 90's. In one word : Rotten. Do you remember Rotten ? I was 11–12 and headed to rotten everytime I had internet on a PC. So maybe clickbaits like Demotivateur, or BuzzFeed will leave us with a better world. A world where people are smiling because “You won’t believe what this cute puppy will do when its mamma leaves it”.

4.Because GoPro, Instagram, Selfie Sticks & Vine.

I hear them far away saying that Instagram is ruining social interactions, that Vine is just a waste of time and that selfie sticks are ridiculous. But what if we see this from another point of view. It upgraded everything in our lives. Vine made people who were just making jokes in their room become stars, pushing their creativity and their fans’ creativiy to another level. Instagram makes our life looks awesome, which is a huge step forward to bringing our actual lives to an awesome level. And GoPro/Selfie Sticks ? Well, remember your crappy albums with pictures from that trip you took ? Well this is has just been upgraded. I now create awesome videos for my family & my friends after coming back from a trip. It’s quite a thing compared to old slides you use to show on a bad projector.

5. Because thousands bought love in February

I had this crazy idea of selling Hear-shaped helium balloon that would be sent through Post Office. The surprise would be total when this balloon would pop out of its box. It’s called “MieuxQueDesFleurs” (literally “better than flowers”). I had this idea, and bought 50 balloons, being pretty sure that only some friends would buy this. Turns out. We sold thousands & thousands of balloons for Valentine’s day, and are even considering this as a stand-alone business. It turns out, people are more than ever, attached to those they love & cherich. So attached, they are buying helium balloons over the Internet. ❤

Bad news, CNN, Politics… of course there’s a lot going one that would kill the mood. But if you look at a couple of things from another angle, you would realize that our era ? May be one of the best humanity has lived in.

Let’s chat about that : @rade



Joseph Ayoub
(Better) Life

Founder mieuxquedesfleurs.com | I talkd about e-commerce, Shopify, entrepreneurship and eventually fatherhood 🇫🇷