Here’s How I Made $4,000+ on Medium in One Month

12 real tips for hitting four figures, with screenshots, based on my 30-day experiment

Jared A. Brock
Personal Finance


A stuffed rabbit with a Cheshire smile and a cigar in its mouth, grinning at a pile of money.
Cheeky image by Gratisography

My Promise To You

Some of you are already rolling your eyes. I get it. Articles like this can easily come across as braggy and prideful and ugly. You don’t care that I made four grand in 30 days on Medium. And why should you? It’s only helpful if it helps you grow your own content marketing business.

Which is my exact goal with this story.

For subscribers who’ve been following my work for a while now, you know that I try to create ridiculously high-value content that’s well researched and brutally honest, containing legitimately unique perspectives and original insights you won’t see anywhere else on the internet. This meta-Medium article is no different.

It’s not one of those “Just pitch to publications! Make sure you use the right tags! Use a non-Pexels/Unsplash photo!” kind of posts. You already know all that stuff.

In this article, I’m going to show you the exact mindset I adopted toward the work. It’s an approach that anyone can use to contribute value to the lives of readers on this brilliant platform and everywhere else you market.



Jared A. Brock
Personal Finance

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