How My First ClickBank Product Review Ranked No. 1 on Google

Your complete guide to on-page SEO with a simple checklist

Alex Tucker
Alex Tucker Digital


Image source: Author

Ever written a post you’re proud of that you think will rank on Google, only to watch it land on page four or five, or worse?

That has happened to me a lot. I started learning to build websites and optimize for search about a year ago, so I’m at least three to 20 years behind most of the professionals working in the industry. However, I recently implemented everything I’ve learned in the past year while optimizing my first ClickBank product review. I think the results speak for themselves.

My Conversiobot review was pretty good to start off with. It sat around 2,000 words and answered most of the common questions rooted in related search terms. It had a hyperlinked table of contents, a dozen optimized and alt-tagged images, and a keyword density of about 1%.

It landed on page four.

I’ll be honest, I was slightly heartbroken. But a fiery determination rose up inside me. I honestly believed that my page four review was better than those on page one. The issue is, most of them had backlinks and superior domain authority. I knew I’d need to pull out all of the tricks I’d learned in the past year in order to have a chance of advancing to page one.



Alex Tucker
Alex Tucker Digital

Finding passion amidst the pain, creating content for your brain. — my posts may contain affiliate/referral links.