Visine SEO Is an Absurdly Easy Way To Dominate Your Niche

Exactly how I do it

Christopher Kokoski
Better Marketing
Published in
4 min readJan 10, 2023


Blonde girl with glasses — Visine SEO is an Absurdly Easy Way to Dominate Your Niche
Image by Author via Jasper Art and Canva

Visine SEO is one of the many blogging strategies I use to improve my search engine rankings on my portfolio of websites.

And make more money.

Smart search engine optimization (SEO) helps you rank higher, get more traffic, and increase revenue.

In this blog post, I’m going to explain Visine SEO and how I use it. Hopefully, it will work just as brilliantly for you.

What Is Visine SEO?

Visine SEO clarifies answers that your competition has left vague or incomplete.

It is called Visine because Visine is a well-known eye drop solution.

Visine helps with redness, relief, and clarity — at least, that’s the idea.

It’s formulated with a unique combination of ingredients that work together to lessen the appearance of red eyes in as little as one minute. With regular use, Visine can help keep your eyes feeling comfortable and refreshed.

Therefore, Visine SEO.

By providing clear, specific answers to questions related to the subject matter you’re discussing, you can help boost your SERP rankings.

You’re giving potential visitors more relevant information about what they are searching for. And Google rewards you with high rankings and traffic.

For example, let’s say a user searches for “the best vegan restaurant in Austin.” Several of your competitors have provided an incomplete answer such as, “The best vegan restaurants in Austin offer a variety of dishes.”

Visine SEO can be used to provide further details such as, “The best vegan restaurants in Austin offer a variety of delicious dishes including tacos and burritos made from plant-based proteins like tofu, tempeh, and black beans.”

Maybe you show pictures, provide reviews, and include detailed maps with directions.

This kind of crystal clear and helpful information helps set your blog apart from the competition by providing users with greater depth of content about their chosen topic.

More Examples of Visine SEO

Visine SEO can also be applied to a range of other topics, regardless of whether they are food-, pet-, or money-related.

For example, if you own a pet blog and want to reach out to owners who may be interested in adopting rescue animals, outlining specific breeds and sizes could help attract these people through better SERP rankings and improved content visibility.

This is exactly what Visine SEO will do for you.

On the other hand, maybe you run a money blog aimed at helping people save money on taxes or student loans.

In that case, using Visine SEO could allow you to provide hyper-detailed information such as advice on filing deductions or refinancing options that would appeal directly to these target audiences.

You include:

  • The full answer upfront
  • Infographics
  • Charts
  • Templates
  • Examples
  • Video walkthroughs

You answer every question, cover all the bases, and don’t leave anything out. Where your competitors were vague, you are concrete.

Here are a few websites that I think usually get it right:

Why Visine SEO Works So Well

Visine SEO is an effective tool for boosting visibility and boosting revenue because it focuses on providing helpful and accurate information to the reader.

Revenue through:

  • Display ads
  • Affiliate links
  • Reader engagement

Visine SEO ensures that all content is up-to-date, accurate, and relevant to what people are searching for.

It also tailors content to the specific needs of users, ensuring that each article meets their expectations. This allows readers to find exactly what they need quickly, rather than having to search multiple sources.

Furthermore, Visine SEO prioritizes useful links over irrelevant ones.

It makes sure the links you provide lead directly to the relevant sources and help readers learn more about the topic at hand.

Finally, Visine SEO focuses on fast loading times for articles as well as an easy user interface so readers can easily navigate from page to page without any delays or confusion.

Visine SEO makes it easy to provide helpful answers and eliminate confusion for the reader — leading them toward a successful and satisfying experience.

How To Tell If You’re Doing Visine SEO

You’re doing Visine SEO if:

  • The answer is clear
  • The blog post images make the answer clearer
  • The blog post video makes the answer even more clear
  • Each subheading is meaty and full of specifics
  • You give actual examples
  • You provide helpful context
  • You know what you’re talking about
  • You give the full answer as soon as possible

Here’s a great video about writing helpful “Visine” style articles:

YouTube video by Rank Math SEO

Final Thoughts

Most answers on blog posts can be summed up as “it depends.”

Because it usually does. However, that’s not what readers want to hear. They want to know the exact temperates and timeframe to air fry chicken tenders.

They want original research they can’t get a hundred other places.

That’s what you can provide. That’s Visine SEO.

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