5 Reasons to Become a Software Craftsperson

Find out what drives some people to work with computers every day

Dieter Jordens


Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash.

People often ask me what I do for a living. It’s not always easy to answer that question. The basic answer is “I work with computers.”

When someone is interested in what you do, it’s nice to talk about the great things software development has to offer. Because software development is great.

In this article, you will find out why software craftspersons love their profession. If you recognize yourself in the following five reasons and you’re not active in the industry yet, then developing software could be your thing.

The term “Software Craftsmanship” comes from the Agile Manifesto. If you’re unfamiliar with Software Craftsmanship, Sandro Mancuso’s book The Software Craftsman: Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride is a good place to start. It’s highly recommended if you’re not finding much value in your work as a software professional, as it will improve your mindset.

Being a Creator

As a child, we are often asked about what we dream to become. A fireman, a pilot, and a lawyer are all nice answers. Those jobs are so well known and their intentions are clear. I’ve never heard a kid say they want to become an IT professional.



Dieter Jordens

Owner of https://kwal-it.be - Your expert in the domain of Software Development, Coaching and Content Management