Image composed by Aphinya Dechalert. Title: Forced to not see anything monkeys.

Developers are more than just code monkeys

How businesses can take responsibility for themselves and code they create

Aphinya Dechalert
Published in
5 min readJul 28, 2019


In the world of programming, there’s more to it than just code. Many businesses start off thinking that developers just need to learn the language and that’s it. However, to have an effective developer, they also have to understand the nuances of code and its relationship to the world it is encoding.

Because code is more than just code. It’s the codification of rules, of one’s understanding and interpretation of the world. Developers cannot effectively write something they don’t understand.

That is also why developers are more than just code monkeys — tapping away at their keyboards based on a set of given and potentially fuzzy requirements and dictations from marketing. It happens a lot but in reality, it shouldn’t — especially if you want to truly go agile with your processes.

The misinterpretations of agile

Agile is a funny word. Everyone seems to ‘know’ what it is. Workplaces are convinced that they’re doing it. Many have it all wrong and most of the time it’s simply a weird version of waterfall, all chopped up and delivered in chunks. It happens a lot.



Aphinya Dechalert

Where Development Meets Storytelling: Tech Writer, Editor & Dev Advocate. Translating Complexity into Clarity. DM me.