Flutter Interview Questions and Answers, Q1 2020

Whether you’re preparing for an interview or just want to know what you should pay extra attention to, this Q&A set has you covered

Artur R
10 min readMar 30, 2020
Flutter — meet the candidate

The first alpha version of Flutter appeared almost three years ago — in May 2017. No one back then thought it’d become so popular in such a short amount of time. It’s already gotten more stars on GitHub than its biggest competitor, React Native, and since the stable release in December 2018, more companies started to noticing its potential and are looking for developers willing to write applications in Flutter.

Maybe you’re now bored with your current technology or just want to simply learn Flutter for your side projects. You might be wondering what you should know about Dart and Flutter. Or maybe you’re having an interview for a new job as Flutter developer. Whatever the case, I hope my article can help you prepare better for it.

Even though some (or most) of the questions might seem trivial to you, let’s be honest … the stable version hasn’t been release for that long, so I doubt anyone expects a lot of experience yet. From what I see, knowing some of the basics of Flutter and Dart is enough as long as you have good experience with either Android or iOS.

