How to Build Your First Serverless API With AWS SAM and CI/CD

Let’s try serverless

Andrew Bestbier
AVM Consulting Blog



A few weeks ago, I wrote a piece detailing how you can build a serverless API entirely through the AWS console UI:

In practise, you’d never actually build a production application this way, but it’s an excellent learning experience to do so.

Using infrastructure as code (IaC) is the proper way to build production serverless applications, and this piece will show you how to build the same application but much more elegantly and quickly with the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM).


To follow this guide properly, you’ll need to go through the installation steps described in AWS’s own guide.

This involves signing up for an AWS account, installing the AWS CLI, installing the AWS SAM CLI, and creating an S3 bucket for your SAM applications. Note that you’ll need to use your bucket name throughout this guide, so remember it! I called my bucket…



Andrew Bestbier
AVM Consulting Blog

Hi! I am a JavaScript developer based in London. I love reading and writing about JavaScript, AWS and all things coding.