How To Build Your First Travis CI/CD Pipeline

A guide to continuously integrating and deploying your Dockerised Node app to AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Travis

Andrew Bestbier
AVM Consulting Blog



This piece has two goals:

  • To be a standalone guide to building a CI/CD pipeline with Travis
  • To form part of a larger series of articles that compare various CI/CD services

The repository hosting the project tested and deployed with Travis can be found on GitHub. It’s a small Node/Express application that’s Dockerised and has a single test. I recommend you clone this application and push it up to your own GitHub account so you can build a pipeline while reading this guide.

Read my other CI/CD guides with this same application below:



Andrew Bestbier
AVM Consulting Blog

Hi! I am a JavaScript developer based in London. I love reading and writing about JavaScript, AWS and all things coding.