Setting Up Android Modules With Dagger 2

Modular development is the way forward

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo in Unsplash

In professional app development, the days when all Android code lives in a single gigantic app module will soon be over. Modular development is the way forward. Modularity promotes proper architecture set-up consideration and scalable development.

If we start a project with modularization in mind, we can set up the dependencies injection using Dagger 2. This piece will show you how, with a simple project illustration.

Project Assumptions

Here’s how we’ll set up our simple project:

  • There are three activities, where MainActivity could launch FeatureOneActivity or FeatureTwoActivity.
  • Each of the activities has its own dependency injected to it.
  • Each of the dependencies is injected with a singleton network and repository (i.e., the same copy is injected to all dependencies).

Project Modularization

For long-term scalability, assume we modularize based on activities. We could do it in other forms as well, this is just to…

