Why Complex Systems Don’t Always Equate to Effective Software

And why you shouldn’t judge the quality of code by the number of lines

Aphinya Dechalert


Photo by Stephen Dawson. Unsplash. Co-authored with David Wesley

There is a misconception that the number of lines or the complexity of code determines the completeness or quality of a system. However, writing code is like writing a novel — the number of pages doesn’t always indicate the quality, style, or a cohesive storyline.

In reality, a complex system is often indicative of a flaky system — something that no one wants, especially in the long term.

Software complexity is often the result of legacies, outdated best practices, cowboy developers, or a combination of these things. Complexity has more points of failures, exposing more surface area for vulnerabilities, and it also puts pressure on those that inherit the system.

Complexity is not a good practice, even though for many it is a state of normality.

Units of Measurement

Under normal circumstances, the productivity of a team is measured based on output.

In the physical world, factory workers are measured on the number of items they’re able to produce against the hour, a courier driver’s productivity on the number of packages they’re able to deliver in a day, and how…



Aphinya Dechalert

Where Development Meets Storytelling: Tech Writer, Editor & Dev Advocate. Translating Complexity into Clarity. DM me. linkedin.com/in/dechalert