The One and Only Thing the Modern Woman Needs from a Man

Better Relationships
5 min readDec 6, 2014

“To be of service to others and see something all the way through because you CAN, has got to become the standard by which we all operate.” — Michelle Terrell.

I am quoting her because everything in this article was initially inspired by my interview with Michelle for my upcoming video summit on dating and relationships. I started using it in my own way and now it has expanded and enriched my life in amazing ways.

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The one and only thing the modern woman needs from a man is….

drum roll….

emotional stability (which comes from his mental stability).

The masculine is the Source of Stability for the Feminine. And when the masculine commits to stabilizing unstable feminine energy, then the feminine becomes a Source of Creativity for the Masculine (and the world).

Women are attracted to men for their emotional stability. And here is the amazing thing: men are attracted to women not so much for their Beauty, but for their feelings and emotions.

We all have both masculine and feminine in us.

So, of course, women can stabilize themselves, but when they are with a man, they’d rather have this from a man. Because if you’re not being her source of stabilizing masculine energy, why are you even there? You become unnecessary.

It’s like the masculine is the Air Traffic Controller, and the feminine is the aeroplane. Without the ATC, the plane cannot land. And without the plane, nobody can fly. And life is a series of landings and flights. We need both to get from one place to another.

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Powerful personal example of this dynamic

What happens when a man commits to stabilizing energy as a lifestyle? Well, here is an example. I recently developed a simple, powerful process to dissolve pain in the body without painkillers. (And without spiritual bypassing because you actually end up having a deeper relationship with your body and emotions).

I then wrote an article about how I personally use the method to dissolve my own pain. I then submitted that article to the Elephant Journal. That article has reached over 1500 people, and I am already getting amazing testimonials.

Here is the thing: that article was inspired by a desire to help a woman that I love with her emotional life. Out of a desire to help one person, I have now helped over a thousand people!

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The Key Principle You Need to Know

The key principle you need to know to stabilize unstable feminine energy is: change her mood, not her mind.

At the end of this article, I will reveal how you can get a more in-depth understanding of this, but this article is about providing powerful examples and role models of this. I want to show you examples of what happens when a man commits to stabilizing the energy in the room. Let’s start with the exorcist dance below:

Finished watching it? You’re not the same any more, are you? No one who watches that will ever be the same.

Think that was powerful? What happens when his entire family dances like this? Watch below!

THIS is the beautiful world we create when a man is committed to stabilizing energy as a lifestyle! I mean, the video with just him was powerful enough. But with all three of them? Oh God! Watch this because it’s incredible!

Next, watch the video below on TRUST:

Powerfully beautiful, isn’t it?

Now, watch the interview below between the founder of and her boyfriend. Especially observe the energy dynamics between the two. It’s a great display of that beautiful dynamic between the man’s emotional stability, and the woman’s emotions.

Also watch the video below. Amazing dance!

Especially observe the judge’s response: “The world is such a better place because of both of you.” Yup, she literally said that. That’s how much of an impact this type of beautiful dynamic has on people — even when we’re only dancing!

Also watch the dance video below:

And I love these videos of Enrique singing Hero live in concert:

I love how he adapts to each woman to open her. And the women open up to him, not just because he is Enrique, but because of who he is being in that moment.

Now compare the above video to the woman in the video below.

This woman is more stable but also less open initially. Part of stabilizing a woman is building trust by opening her heart by your very presence and high-quality attention.

Please comment below with other examples of powerful role models. Also let me know how this article has impacted you.

If you would like to have a more in-depth understanding of this, including 8 ways to stabilize unstable feminine energy, click here.

About the Author:

Hi! I am Breakthrough Awakening Kundan Chhabra.

I am a psychic surgeon of the mind. For years, I struggled with feeling lonely, sad, confused, powerless, trapped and even suicidal. I even remember thinking about jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge and repeatedly calling the suicide hotline.

Then, years later, after having one-on-one sessions with so many amazing coaches and healers, I discovered the relationship between feeling and thinking, between events and their meaning, between the part of me that feels painful emotions and the part of me that is always free.

So, I learned how to be in touch with that part of me that is free and clear no matter what negative emotions I am feeling. I eventually learned how to help others get in touch with it too.

As a result, I now take clients from their struggle and confusion to a place of freedom and simplicity.

If you’d like the kind of help in your relationships that you won’t find anywhere else, click here


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