The Co-Creative Power of Sex

Or Why I will Never have Sex again unless…

Better Relationships
2 min readMay 6, 2014



In my dreams, I had the following powerful realization about sex:

Have you ever seen the movie “Sphere”?

Well, in that movie, a group of people found a sphere-like object on the bottom of the ocean. This sphere gave everyone inside it the ability to manifest their thoughts instantly into physical form!

The problem with that was two-fold:

1. They didn’t know that the sphere was having such an effect on them.
2. Most people’s minds are so full of crap.

So, everyone in that movie started manifesting horrible things that eventually killed almost everybody in that movie. I don’t remember the ending but I remember that much.

Well, sex is like that sphere — it has a similar effect, and just like that sphere, most people have the same two problems with sex — they don’t even know sex has that kind of effect, and most people’s minds are indeed so full of crap.

This is why it’s so important to clear your mind before having sex AND set a clear intention to transmute and channel the sexual energy into a cocreative act. In fact, I believe that all partners should immediately grab a pen and paper, and immediately start writing, at the very least, as soon as they have finished having sex, and they should set an intention to do that BEFORE having sex. Better yet, they should start painting.

This is why I am even more clear now than ever before that I never want to have sex again unless there is a clear intention to co-create something beautiful out of it. But now, I also realize the importance of doing some mind-clearing work just before every time we have sex.



Better Relationships

Creator of "the Alignment Code" & “Mental Kung Fu” for deep long-term fulfillment+clear boundaries: helping visionaries express their most meaningful idea yet!