MASTERING STAGE CRAFT: The ABCs of Impactful Audience Connection.

Devin D. Marks
BETTER Speaking™
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2024
© Frank Ramspott

Ready to take your public speaking to the next level?

These actionable tips will unlock the secrets that can help you connect with your audience and compel them to action!

The first step to getting stage-ready is to keep it super-simple. Too many speakers (and speaking coaches) get lost in presentation techniques: body language, facial expressions, stage “boxing” movements, eye contact.

For a moment, forget all that.

Instead, focus on mastering your stage craft ABCs. These are the highest ROI areas to focus on.

A. Active Hands
(aka, Jazz Hands)

Ever heard of “Jazz Hands”? Well, among TEDsters, they’re a game-changer. Keep those hands expressive — research confirms that dynamic hand movements can keep your audience engaged. It’s like jazz, and you’re riffing through a set. Expressive. Active. Creative. Captivating.

B. Be Conversational
(aka, Starbucks Chat)

Imagine you’re having a casual chat over a latte. Trust the microphone to amplify your voice; there’s no need for a theatrical, stentorian monologue worthy of a Greek amphitheater. Tone down your voice and energy to match that level of conversation. Speak like you would to a friend.

C. Connect With Smiles
(aka, Dopamine Waves)

It might sound simple, but a smile goes a long way. Research even shows that the longer a speaker smiles, the higher their perceived intelligence ratings! Also, nothing is more certain to release a dopamine wash over your frontal cortex — and thus bond you to viewers.

Whether you’re presenting a keynote, an employee all-hands, or guesting on a podcast, these principles will elevate your impact and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Remember, mastering your stage craft is an A-B-C solution. So, share those active hands, keep it conversational, and let your charisma shine through with a smile!

DEVIN D. MARKS leads the public speaking and story training firm, CONNECT to COMPEL. He has served 100s of authors, executives, and researchers from million-view TEDsters to CEOs winning 9-figure funding rounds. His team helps leaders, just like you, maximize your message. You can reach Devin at 617.804.6020, or DM him ​here​.



Devin D. Marks
BETTER Speaking™

The TED TALK Whisperer. Clients enjoy 1M+View TED Talks. Also grateful host of Thinker Thursdays™ ( Join: