Why Everyone Should Get a Sales Job

Ian Warner
The Habit Stacker
Published in
5 min readSep 2, 2016

There is no skill you can learn on a job that will make you more well rounded for success than sales. There is a good reason that people run away from sales jobs. It’s because they are hard! We are trained to avoid the things that are challenging and find the smoothest path we can. The problem is that easy is not what leads to great or else everyone would be there. If you want to be a success, you must find the steep path.

Why Sales Jobs Are So Hard and Awesome

Results Driven

Many marketers could be a salesperson, but they become marketers because the metrics of success are much different. The salesperson is judged by the dollars exchanged. The biggest obstacle that every company must overcome regularly is getting more money. Everything a company does is to make it easier to make potential customers hand over their money.

The job truly comes down to results more than any other job out there. The reason being is that it all can come down to numbers. It is hard to compare every accountant at a company. It is easy to compare a salesperson because you just look at their revenue generated and close rates, and you will see the answer.

Sales bring a mindset that can be successful going into anything that you do. The reason being is that it is easy in life to get distracted by things that do not matter. Sales jobs help you to get focused in on the things that do, and that is increasing revenue. Everything else is just fluff!

You Need to Be Trustworthy

There is no time or place that it is not valuable to be trustworthy. Even if someone wants to buy something, if they do not trust you or your company then you are out of luck. How do you convince someone that you care about them and not just yourself interest in earning more money?

Being trustworthy and everything I am talking about in this article is not just about sales people, this is about life. Many people tend to be skeptics, expecting the worst from everyone they meet. People expect you to sell them something. They expect you to take advantage of them and as a result, they put their guard up.

The ability to meet a stranger and get them to drop their guard is something that only a sales jobs can teach you. People put up the highest walls the second they think someone is trying to sell them something.

Emotional Balance

An important trait to develop in life is to keep your emotional balance in every situation. The goal is never to let your rough moments get you too down and your good moments to get you too high.

To succeed in sales, it forces you to do this because you always have someone else to talk to. Extreme if you have a sales meeting at 10: am that goes wrong you have to be able to shrug it off and keep moving or else it will mess up the meetings you have next.

At the same time, you can’t let your wins go to your head because you may go into your next call without preparing or you may go in and be a bit too confident in yourself. Too many wins can result in your luck turning around quickly because you were riding your high too long.

Life is up and down. You never know what each day is going to bring you and it is best to approach it with an emotionally balanced mindset.

Must Have Endurance

Lastly, sales teach you to keep at it. When you have a bad streak, and you can’t seem to close anything or anyone it can make you want to give up. Sounds a lot like life right?

Talk with others, read a sales book, change your routine, prepare more, there are a million different things you can do to improve while you endure.

Life requires us to have endurance, and I always thought I had the ability to endure until I started selling. That pushed me to an entirely new level. Once I started selling I realized what it means to give your all no matter what. I could talk with five leads in a day and have the first four hang up and still, go into the 5th ready to close them.

Get Over Your Fears

The real reason that people hate sales jobs has nothing to do with them thinking they are sleazy. The actual cause is that no job has to deal with more rejection on a daily basis than a sales job.

This fear of rejection is the same reason people can’t ask that person on the date or why people won’t apply for that dream job. It is scary to have to be rejected over and over again.

The reason that you should get a sales job because you train that fear out of yourself. There is no need to be fearful of the words no. Life goes on just fine after hearing them. The more you can hear no and keep going, the better you be prepared to be extremely successful.

Everything In Life Comes Down to Sales

One of the most important reasons to get a sales job is because life is about sales. When you go to a job interview, you are just selling yourself. When you have a new idea and you are trying to build a team that is sales. You want someone to invest in you that is sales. You are trying to get out of a ticket that is sales. Sales surround our lives.

The more you learn to sell the more you will understand that selling is about being an excellent communicator. It is not about actually selling but about talking to humans. It will make you a better parent, spouse, friend because you will know what effective communication looks like.

Ian Warner is the CEO of FIXT APP, and just finished his second book. If you are interested in being updated on book number two, register below!

