Fasting in a Pill?? — Our Investment in Mimio Health

Wes Selke
Better Ventures
Published in
4 min readMay 22, 2023

What if you could get all the benefits of intermittent fasting without actually fasting? That’s the premise (well, sort of) behind Mimio Health, a longevity startup we recently invested in that harnesses the power of biology to improve human health. The company’s initial product is a biomimetic supplement that mimics the many positive health benefits of 36-hour intermittent fasting by supplying the body with four key molecules that are produced naturally by the body during fasting.

But Mimio isn’t just another trendy supplement company with dubious claims. Rather, they have taken a sophisticated science-based approach to harnessing human biology to extend human healthspan. Mimio was co-founded by Chris Rhodes, a scientist and nutritional biologist (with 200k followers on his TikTok nutrition channel) who focused his PhD studies at UC Davis on understanding the endogenous metabolites produced by the body during intermittent fasting that generate positive health benefits. Chris is joined by COO and co-founder Caitlin Beatty, who brings strong business acumen and product development experience to the team.

After screening hundreds of molecules that are active during fasting, Chris identified four that worked synergistically together to recreate the cellular health and longevity benefits. These molecules already have a strong clinical track record for producing a wide range of health benefits, but they have never before been combined into a single supplement. Through a controlled clinical study Chris’ research group conducted at UC Davis, he documented positive effects among those taking the supplements, including a 23% reduction in inflammation, a 15% increase in antioxidant capacity, and a 9% boost in cholesterol efflux (ability to remove cholesterol particles from plaques in the heart’s blood vessels). These positive effects mimicked what was observed in those who had undergone a 36 hour fast and were achieved even when the subjects were eating. The Mimio formulation was also shown to enhance lifespan in model organisms by 96% even under normal feeding conditions.

Chris’ work in the lab is supported by years of research that points to fasting benefits including treating major diseases, cellular regeneration, and extending lifespan. A growing body of work (100k+ scientific publications over 30 years) has demonstrated the positive effects of intermittent fasting including a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, which concluded that it can trigger a “metabolic switch from glucose-based to ketone-based energy, with increased stress resistance, increased longevity, and a decreased incidence of diseases, including cancer and obesity.”

Mimio is well positioned to benefit from tailwinds in intermittent fasting, longevity/cellular health, and the growing interest among consumers in personal health and wellbeing. The company operates in the $150B global dietary supplements market, which is expected to grow at a 9% CAGR through 2023. Intermittent fasting is now the number one diet and nutrition plan in the US, with an estimated 10% of Americans now practicing some form of fasting and a majority having some knowledge about it. Fasting has even surpassed the popularity of the Keto diet, which itself is a $10B market. Mimio also participates in the $60B anti-aging/longevity space, which is expected to double by 2030.

While the supplements space is crowded with a low signal to noise ratio, there is a shift among consumers towards products that are scientifically backed. One notable company in the space is Athletic Greens, which sells a very popular micronutrient powder mix targeted to athletes. The company bootstrapped to $150M+ in revenue before raising a venture round at a $1B+ valuation. With Mimio’s scientific rigor and Chris’ knack for influencer marketing, we think the company is poised to follow in the successful footsteps of a company like Athletic Greens.

Mimio is on a mission to make the benefits of fasting available to everyone, particularly those suffering from chronic diseases and the elderly, who aren’t able to restrict calories. The company plans to eventually launch a therapeutic in partnership with a pharmaceutical company, which would enable their products to be covered by health insurance, making it more accessible to the broader population. Additionally they aim to expand their biomimetic product offerings through their -omics based discovery platform looking to mimic other regenerative states of the body including exercise and sleep. Mimio also has a vision for building a platform of rich research and content to support intermittent fasting, cellular health, and other longevity-related topics.

We think Mimio has an excellent opportunity to become a standout company in the fast growing longevity market and build a trusted brand with products that are backed by rigorous scientific research. We’re excited to be on this journey with Chris and Caitlin!



Wes Selke
Better Ventures

I’m co-founder of Better Ventures, which backs founders on a mission to build a better world. I’m an avid cyclist, father of three, and live in Oakland, CA.