Welcome to ‘Mission Driven’!

A podcast about social mission as competitive advantage

Rick Moss
Better Ventures
2 min readSep 25, 2019


We’ve been backing mission driven entrepreneurs leveraging science and technology to address the world’s biggest challenges since 2011, and over that time we’ve worked with some amazing entrepreneurs. It’s our investment thesis that mission-driven entrepreneurs outperform, because of their passion for addressing one of the world’s great challenges, because they are able to attract top talent and garner outsize customer loyalty.

Together with our portfolio founders, and our investor peer group, we’ve learned a trick or two about how to leverage mission for advantage. So here in this podcast series of conversations, we set out to interview some of the best and brightest mission-driven founders and the investors who back them, about how they do it and what others can learn from them.

We talk with entrepreneurs and investors about their personal stories of how they started, what drives them, how they overcome challenges in hiring, sales and fundraising, and how building a mission-driven company ultimately leads to financial out-performance. Wait, make money and do good? Yes, well actually we believe you make MORE money BECAUSE you’re doing good. And that by applying breakthrough science and technologies to big problems like those defined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, you are able to further fund and scale your impact.

So whether you’re a current or future founder yourself, an investor who wants to explore this emerging field, or you’re still exploring what this all means, we hope you tune in and join the conversation.

Listen to our latest episode below or check us out on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Anchor.

