My story of removing a limiting belief.



In the middle of making a green smoothie, I had a painful thought come up, and I sensed that it was more than just a thought. I sensed that it was an unconscious limiting belief from my childhood.
It was:
“I am not attractive to women because I am short.”
So, I sat down, got really present, really looked at this thought, fully felt the feeling, and asked myself:
“Where does this come from? What’s the first memory, the first event, that caused me to believe that?”

It took a while but the memory surfaced eventually — vague visions of my parents being worried with just the very same thought I had: “He may not be attractive to women because of the way he was born.”

Then more painful thoughts came up:”I come from a family of tall people. My parents are tall. Two of my three brothers are almost 6-foot tall. So why me? Why the fuck was I born this way?”

There was an angry thought. I saw a pissed-off thought. But what really pissed me off was that the thought expressed itself, not as anger, but as hurt and sadness, and so, there was another layer — suppressed anger. And the thought that I had suppressed my anger so much, or that I should be angry too, instead of just hurt and sadness, hurt even more. And then even more angry and painful, hurtful thoughts and emotions arose.

It was so interesting to watch this domino of thoughts and emotions arise, and to see the effect it had on me, and to see the effects the limiting belief above has had on my life.

The visions were so vague, not even sure those were the exact words my parents spoke verbally to each other, or just thoughts they had that I sensed from them. But the message and programming and feelings embedded in them were clear.

But it’s so nice to finally separate their thoughts and beliefs they had way back in time from my current thoughts and beliefs in the Now. I am not their thoughts and beliefs. Heck! I am not even my thoughts and beliefs! But they do influence every bit of my behavior, which is why it’s so important to differentiate between the two, and then to remove these beliefs from my life, and to see that those events had no meaning, and that every event when I thought this belief was true — the belief/meaning never actually happened, because the event had multiple meanings, and therefore, no meaning, and that just because they believed it or felt it then or were worried about it then doesn’t mean it’s true now.

Do you see now why I am so passionate about this work of being present, feeling my feelings, and removing limiting beliefs and negative programming from childhood?
Because it’s so liberating!

About the Author:

“Kundan Chhabra is the Breakthrough Awakening Coach who helps women get to the next level of relationship happiness. He activates the Truth of who you are by removing your limiting beliefs and getting you to experience the empowering freedom and love that you really are, which heals you from past emotional trauma and helps you fulfill all your goals (not NLP/Hypnosis). He teaches mind-body movements that help you release your stuck patterns and gets you to embody abundance, appreciation, power, presence, direction, radiance, enjoyment, and more, which helps you make all your relationships richer and more fulfilling . He imparts Photoreading, the ability to read at 25,000 words a minute, saving you hours of your time. He helps you discover your Heart Virtue, the one quality of the Divine that is so deeply meaningful to you that every time you experience, express it or embody it, you are moved so deeply you have tears of joy in your eyes and goosebumps.

He is the author of “Experiencing Divinity, Sharing Awakening” and the co-author of the ground-breaking anthology “Love-Like God:Embracing Unconditional Love”, co-written with thought-leaders from around the world.

He has worked with thought-leaders worldwide through his internet radio show: Noah St. John, Em Claire, Daphne Rose Kingma, and more. You can listen to his show here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kundan

Kundan writes thought-provoking poems that ultimately get people beyond their thinking mind — into the Silence, that beautiful place beyond words, touching a part of you, you never knew existed.”

Also connect on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kundanlovesyou

And on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/kundanchhabra/videos

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Creator of "the Alignment Code" & “Mental Kung Fu” for deep long-term fulfillment+clear boundaries: helping visionaries express their most meaningful idea yet!