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Career Advice for Those Feeling Lost, Confused and Stuck

Breaking down the search for your dream career, passions and dealing with compromise

Emily Villa
7 min readOct 9, 2019


Iwas never one of those who knew from a young age what I wanted to do, what I was good at, what my passions were, or what I could see myself doing for the rest of my life. I started on my career journey, not knowing which direction to go, and I can confidently say that at times I still find myself feeling a little lost.

However, I do know that each day, I am on the path of learning, growing, and experiencing, which allows me to identify what truly brings me joy. It took me many years to realize that this is the right path, along with the growing pains, confusion, and frustration.

Over the last few years, I’ve picked up a few gems of great advice throughout my journey that I’d like to share with you. Whether you are stuck and confused in your career path, or feeling unfulfilled in your day-to-day, here are some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned so far in career exploration and self-discovery.

1. The Happiness vs. Skills Matrix: Finding your…



Emily Villa
Better With Purpose

I’m passionate about self growth and development. I write about how to navigate through the challenges of being human.