How To Inject Intention Into Your Life

Emily Villa
Better With Purpose
4 min readApr 11, 2019


Photo by Autumn Goodman on Unsplash

Many of us have started to live a life of routine. You wake up, eat breakfast, hop in your car and head over to work. You complete your tasks for the day, come home, fix yourself some dinner, sleep and do the same thing the next day. Although routine is comfortable and necessary for some, it can cause us to fall into a robotic state where we become less conscious of our day to day decisions and therefore sadly live less intentionally.

Once we’ve been accustomed to repetitive decision making, we slowly stop questioning ourselves and the way we go about doing things, or even worse why we go about doing things. I’ve started to notice that routine can erode our decision to consciously do things with intention — leading us to live a life filled with less meaning, passion and purpose.

“Routine can erode our decision to consciously do things with intention”

What’s the big deal you might ask? Why does it even matter if you live with or without intention? The word “Intention” represents a mental state of commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future. (Bratman, M. (1987)). Thus, intention is necessary for successfully accomplishing any goal or achievement. Intention becomes increasingly more important for big decisions or goals that we have in life such as marrying the…



Emily Villa
Better With Purpose

I’m passionate about self growth and development. I write about how to navigate through the challenges of being human.