Writer’s block? Here are 5 juicy writing generators which don’t use AI

Better Work
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2024

Pressed for time with no sleep and a deadline in 10 hours? Here are 3 (really awesome) human brains democratizing great writing from their kitchen table —and without Grammarly, plagiarism risks, or an AI prompt in sight!

1. Jess from Cape Town

Her reviews say it all. Her clients keep returning. A graduate of one of South Africa’s top universities, Jess can churn out exciting writing that machine learning and even the most adaptive natural language processing software can only dream about. You won’t need deep learning or generative AI with Jess’s brain power! 600 words for less than $40!

2. Lisa from Bangor, Maine

Need a human editor? But wanting to steer clear of Hemingway App and the plethora of AI slash Grammarly clones that just can’t make your writing flow, not like a real editor, with trade experience at a NYC publishing house. Hit Lisa up on HostJane, and #FindYourFreelancer!

3. Louise from England

Let’s face it, robots can’t write romantic novels! If you’ve got a steamy assignment more on the Harlequin or Mills & Boon side for *sizzlingly* sensual tastes, get your custom heart-warming tale or novel (with a happy ending) written by Louise. She can promise you love, she can write you romance and all refreshingly WITHOUT artificial intelligence or ChatGPT generators used by robots:)



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