Role Models Management x Model Mafia

Better World
Better World Media
Published in
7 min readNov 18, 2019

In this age of information, we are constantly learning. From the podcasts you listen to in the morning, the news you check at lunch, the ever-present social media feed–we are constantly being informed of subjects we may not have even been aware of until we began reading. How much did you know about models/activists before you started this article?

With so much information clogging the algorithms that determine what we’re aware of any point in time, where does that leave the activist, who relies on public awareness of their cause?

Role Models Management and Model Mafia are two organizations that are on the forefront of the movement from model to Activist. Role Models is an agency who works exclusively with brands doing campaigns focused on change, impact, or sustainability. The Model Mafia is a group of women working in the modeling industry that are focused on empowering their members to continue their activism. Check out our print interview below, and be sure to listen to the Better World Podcast with Role Models (embedded below).

What’s the big issue in today’s world that gets you out of bed in the morning?

Brana: I feel that, as a whole, our culture is not making us happy or fulfilled individuals. We need to focus more on connection with ourselves, our community and our planet. Once you begin to look at things from this perspective it’s impossible not to notice the inequities and abusive practices that go unthought of in most people’s daily life yet are ubiquitous in this modern world. We need to become more aware of the cost of our daily choices and put more emphasis on being true to our values than “fitting in” or “being cool”. I feel that this starts by empowering people and particularly women.

AT: Society today is built to overwhelm and distract in a way that disempowers people and we easily forget the incredible impact we have on ourselves and the world around us. We are discouraged to see the bigger picture and we are run by a world of consumerism and convenience, a world where “more is better” and where we encourage the behaviours and habits that make us stressed out, lonely and sick. As the world spins faster, people get lonier and the health of our planet is slipping through our fingers. All this needs to change and what gets me out of bed in the morning is knowing that we DO have the power to change this.

What’s one thing that most people don’t know about, but should?

Brana: A lot of people don’t know that over 70% of textiles produced end up burnt or in landfills. There’s this idea that items are getting donated or recycled, but the numbers don’t lie. Another major issue is food waste. The resources involved in food production are immense and 40% of the food produced is wasted before it even reaches us. This is incredibly inefficient.

AT: Wow, one thing… OK. That YOUR habits and YOUR choices matter, no matter how small you think you are in this world. The world runs on pop-culture and we get to decide what’s cool, so by making small changes in our behavior we get to shape the world as we want to see it. Slowly we can make it cool to care, and make conscious consumerism, compassion and awareness the new norm.

What’s your vision of a better world?

Brana: My vision of a better world is one in which I can be confident that the shirt I buy is made by a woman who can support her family with the wages earned. A world in which my food is organic and imperfect. A world where the oceans are clean and healthy! Simple things like clean air and valuing integrity over being cool.

AT: Oh it’s a glorious image — a world free of plastic and it’s so quiet because all cars run on renewable energy, and the air is clean because we’re no longer allowed to pollute. Production has fully been immersed into a circular system and nothing that gets created goes to waste, unless it’s 100% biodegradable and can go back to regenerating the soil. We’ve finally, fully figured out the full circle. And yes, we’re also kind to each other. There’s no “us and them” anymore, we’re all one.

Can I begin with saying “I have a dream”… ?

What’s one action we can all take today to make a difference?

Brana: Say no to plastic. No to straws, no to plastic bags, no to the extra utensils you don’t need.

AT: SLOW DOWN! Slow down and start asking questions, to yourself and to others. Understand that we all make mistakes but if you slow down you allow awareness to take place and from a state of awareness you can make better, smarter and more empowered decisions. Start there and you’ll soon notice a whole new world unfold.

What’s one habit we could all shift in our lives around this issue?

Brana: If you cut down your meat consumption this will make a huge difference.

AT: Agreed with Brana on cutting down on meat! Also — less in general. Less meat, less fast fashion, less pollution, less waste. Can’t we make “less” the new “more”? More is so 2018, I feel…

How do we empower people to feel a sense of urgency about major issues?

Brana: Big change takes a big paradigm shift. We can all create a groundswell to change our awareness and effect popular culture and ultimately our behaviors. The first step is recognizing what needs to change and the second is believing it’s possible.

AT: Please, please, please dare to step out of your comfort zone and dare to be different. Not everyone is going to agree with you on cutting down meat and wearing the same dress three times in a row can feel awkward at first (as can pulling out your favorite, pink to-go cup at the coffee store), but please just do it anyways. Shifting a paradigm (as Brana mentioned) takes a lot of people and the best contribution you can do right now is choosing to be one of them. Let’s change pop-culture, let’s make it cool to care!

Any articles or publications we should know about?

Brana: Well first of all you should follow @modelactivist on instagram! Social media is all about how you use it. Make it work for you! I try to inspire my personal followers to look deeper so please also follow along with my journey as a model and activist @branadane and on my website for major updates:

AT: We share a lot of new on our IG: @rolemodelsmgmt and on our newspage:

Any upcoming brand announcements or happenings that we can share/support?

Brana: I recently shot for the campaign of a sustainable online boutique (Pildora) that will be launching at the end of the month, so look out for that! I was also very happy to be included as one of the models representing Role Models Mgmt and Remake in their upcoming video project, set to premiere in Dec!

AT: We just made a Sustainable Fashion Video Project with Remake coming out in early December, so that is something we’re very excited about!

Any other brands you’d like to give a shout out to?

Brana: A big thank you and shout out to Aine Rose Campbell, Cameron Russell and Renee Peters for advancing our voices and keeping us updated! A big thank you to those focusing on the rights of models so we can feel safe enough to use our platform to make a change.

AT: SO many — but Kiss The Ground, Lonely Whale, Remake, Timberland, Eileen Fisher, Boyish, VEJA, Amour Vert, Getnaeco, Elvis & Kress, Adidas, Greenpeace, Sierra Club….

Better World is recorded at the SmileRadio.FM studios at the Freehand Hotel.

Anne Therese is a former NYC-based model and the Co-Founder of Role Models Management, an ethical model and talent agency representing models with a voice. Role Models believe that as a model and influencer today, you have an incredible responsibility and power to influence others, and that the industry should empower models to feel confident to promote a lifestyle that is beneficial both for the individual and our planet.

Brana Dane is a model and Activist. As an active member of the fashion community and as one of the leaders in the activist group, “Model Mafia”, she was honored to be asked to speak about the importance of sustainable fashion at the annual public Earth Day celebration in Union Square this last April. Most recently, she conceived of and spearheaded the NYFW climate rallies that went viral. While using her platform to shed light on the needs of our planet and the plight of the modern garment worker, Brana seeks to inspire hope in the hearts of as many people as possible



Better World
Better World Media
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An exploration of the people, products and businesses that make our world better.