The Only 3 Fundas You Need to Remember to Deal with PCOS

Varsha Srivastava
Better You
Published in
2 min readMay 25, 2020

PCOS is an unwanted guest that just doesn’t want to leave. Being diagnosed with PCOS is not good news — it causes discomfort, unpredictability, and other health issues, after all. However, if a few things are taken care of such as exercise and diet, treatment of PCOS is not difficult. This blog lists the 3 fundas you need to remember for handling PCOS like a queen.

1. Make Exercise Your Friend

It could be brisk walking, jogging or an extensive game of badminton. If you like to hit the gym, it’s even better. But whatever you choose, make it a point to have a medium to high intensity workout for 45 to 60 minutes at least 5 times a week.

For those who are obese or even on the higher side of the BMI, losing weight is very important. For those with a healthy weight, maintaining it is equally important.

2. Know the Right Foods to Eat

This is the biggest thing you’ll have to work on. Make it a habit to know your food before you eat it. The first step could be limiting the intake of carbs and replacing it with protein and fibre rich food. Second, try to have maximum calories for breakfast and minimum for dinner. Third, include vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, and omega 3s in your diet. Don’t shy away from taking nutritional supplements if your doctor recommends them.

3. Maintain a Proper Sleep Routine

It’s important for a person with PCOS to sleep well. Go to bed at a fixed time every day. Take proper 8 hours of sleep. Avoid late nights. And for God’s sake, please don’t opt for that rotational shift.

Not only sleep, but it is also advisable to maintain a fixed timing for workout and meals as well.


It might be difficult to find an answer to how to cure PCOS permanently, but it’s not impossible to be healthy despite that. Just say goodbye to laziness and stay active, eat the right foods, and sleep like a baby — and you’re good to go. With these practices, it’s even possible to keep your menstrual cycle regular.

Do you have any more tips that worked out for you in handling PCOS? Share them in the comments.



Varsha Srivastava
Better You

Professional Content Writer. Enthusiastic about making everything better.