Is this the (much needed) end of texting at shows?

Jason Chernofsky
BetterBill UK
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2016

We’ve all been there. You’re enjoying that concert or show, when some a — hole (read: rude person… but we’re a company, we have to be proper) decides to pull out his phone and the light distracts us all.

Louie said it best. We paid to see someone else, not your big dumb face.

Best case scenario: they’re taking a picture or video, which is still annoying but at least it relates to the experience you all paid good money to have. More likely, they’re sending a text message or checking Facebook for the 41st time that day. Well, Dave Chapelle is here to save the day with the help of a new start-up called Yondr.

How does it work? Everyone who enters the venue is asked to put their phone into a Yondr case. Once inside the “no phone zone”, the cases lock. So Dave can avoid seeing all of the big dumb faces in the audience.

Yondr’s new phone case, here to create phone-free spaces in venues

And if you’ve got an emergency? Just step outside like a considerate human being should and the case will unlock again.

It remains to be seen if other comics or musicians will follow suit, but various venues in San Francisco and Oakland have already started asking people to use the cases. No word yet on whether you can use Yondr to force people to listen to that awesome story about that thing that happened to you last week.

