A better year with better code

Joost Visser
Write BetterCode
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1 min readJan 2, 2017
10 good intentions for 2017

This year is different. Really!

This time around, there is no need to feel guilty after 12 months for not fulfilling your good intentions. Because these 10 intentions for writing future-proof code are measurable, achievable and fun!

So here’s your recipe for redemption:

  1. Head over to Better Code Hub and press play on your favourite repo
  2. Check how many intentions are fulfilled already
  3. Dive into the remaining ones and decide which to solve first
  4. Refactor, Commit, Repeat!

The 10 intentions correspond to the 10 guidelines for writing future-proof code from “Building Maintainable Software”. These guidelines are designed to be crisp, yet tolerant.

In case you’re done before the end of 2017, fork the repos of your friends and help them achieve their good intentions.

Happy coding in 2017!

Yours truly,

The Better Code Team

