7 Rules of life that bless me with the “wizard” of being:

These rules are Incantation act as a magnet for perpetual abundance.

Shamaz Abraham
4 min readMar 14, 2021


1.Make decisions by thinking but sustain on the Decision that makes you regret-free.

Most of the time, we make decisions by the opinions of others or by involving ego. A chasm difference between heart and mind always overwhelm our mind.

It’s natural and happens to everyone that we feel regret about our decisions. We make a short cut and blame others, that’s the path of losing control over life.

We should make mistakes in decisions until we handle them well. You can move with those people who you think are smart decisions maker.

2.Detach yourself from a desire.

Our desires are the filter that drains our most energy towards a purpose. We create and live in the ho-hum of desirable materialistic stuff. It’s hard or seems complex to differ in desire and need.

Even desires seem less expensive or more easily approachable then needs. It’s a path to adopt a content peaceful life despite regrets and the inferiority of being less worthy.

3.It’s not things that disturb people. It’s the judgment that disturbing them.

I still remember my feeling towards the low grade of mine in 9th grade. My friends tease me because I work so hard that all yields mediocre or fewer results. I feel asham and put my face down, lose to stamina to meet them again happily.

After I get remarkable and outstanding result in my 10th grade, feel myself approvable and be happy. After a long time when I start my business, I realize how cheap I play?

Do people approval (those who don’t know my internal stigma) deserve my respond?

No, we should protect our time and energy for those who show spark in their eyes after seeing your progress and try to protect you like a shelter on your rainy days. Change your perspective about people and situation from time to time.

Photo by Amarnath Tade on Unsplash

4.Choose your base nature happiness:

We all face various people every day. Some of them have good happy nature other love to tease themselves with sadness and blames.

I was one of those who are blamer and avoid difficult practical and achievable things. After reading several books on self-help, I conclude with confidence that we can choose our base nature. I did it for the past 6months.

I write 5lines before sleep and 5lines after my last yawn of the morning about my purpose.

After a few days, My mind supports me to achieve my mission with less distraction and caving to achieve it.

5.What you show off doesn’t represent you what you say yourself alone define you.

When I start singing, I decide it so fast and tell everyone about it. In the end, after 3 Months, I realize that it’s not my job, feel stuck pain of throat and loss interest in performing with music.

It seems resistive to think again about choosing the right direction. When I start writing, I don’t tell anyone about it. I shift from fiction to nonfiction and move freely.

When my friends or family ask about it, I answer them graciously; “I’m still working and discovering writing.”

We should not show our decisions all and immediate in public it builds up the pressure towards choosing the same every time.

We fed suffer more in the imagination world than in the real world.

6.Keep moving forward, There is a new door for another side that opens up after giving your all to open it.

When I start writing in my free time of university classes, it seems impossible for me to stay on track for long. I decide with my guts and write. Initially, I write hardly 100words per day with no grip on reading flow. After 6months, I write 1000words per day that go viral on Quora.

What’s the force that put me on track to believe in myself?

It’s my true calling, mission or inspiration. David Goggins(the toughest men on the planet alive) says that greatness is on the other side where most people not know. Why? Because we feel fearful, uncomfortable about being too much discipline or perfect in our planing.

When we follow our perfect plan, by all means, we found how cheap our Planning is?

Our mistakes move towards bigger ones. We try to solve big problems that challenge our stamina.

7.Prepare yourself to hand in glove with adversity.

Most of us want unbeatable and unforgettable success but, no one willing to burn the midnight oil.

I did the same strategy to run away from the hard stuff. Developing a determination in my mind and split myself from my truth, I lose my self-trust.

Then I apply David Goggin’s Accountability Mirror Formula.

The formula is for everyone. You need to ask yourself about yourself every night before sleep in front of a mirror.

After applying various meditation, yoga and tricks, I conclude that each one of them allows your mind to be happy with problems.



Shamaz Abraham

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