A convincing way to see your marvel strengths:

Appreciation is redemption in the concrete jungle society.

Shamaz Abraham
2 min readFeb 20, 2021


Action speaks louder than words. You don’t need a velvet touch story that explains your heroic relentless nature to yourself. Your Action has the most duty to become your best.

I still remember that time when I start writing my initial draft. I think much and produce very little.

I prase myself more then I deserve. As time goes, I develop the mindset of producing.

Be productive means to cut off the connection from the evil eyes of a comfort zone.

Every procrastination and overthinking patterns start with high intensity and end with low desire to produce.

We live in a century where human needs to produce quality work to meet their requirements.

As everything is available on google, people try to compare themselves with experts in every field. Our desire to comparison extent too much that we compare with our senors or some time with teachers.

Maybe it develops a desire to produce more. Most of the time, it grabs our attention to the luxuries of others.

Comparison between 2 Individual is only possible if they are equal. We are not equal. Our experience is not the same throughout life.

The description and experience of an event can vary for every person. Sometimes, we mesmerized by the uncertain event and, we neglect the uncertain nature of our focus.

Our head in clouds about small unnecessary details, We forget about the main event.

The helpline of gratitude safe your hours of depression.

Find the people lower than you and at least witness your greatness by your side. I have a friend who can’t stand throughout his life on his feet.

I see him and thank god every minute that I can walk on my feet.

I can’t afford a bike. I feel tiresome about pain in my ankles after walking about 3km in a row.

I remind my disable friend and thank god with words,

“At least I’ve feet to walk. A priceless gift nature awards me. No doubt, I made 1000s mistakes every day, I forgive myself for my walk. Hope day comes soon. My walk fills my needs like sun fill need of earth.

You require a walk with thanks to having feet. Your walk is hope. A footstep after footstep in work direction develops a system of belief in your efforts.

We need the fuel of efforts to run the train of self-belief.



Shamaz Abraham

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