A fair exchange (a poem about Resonance)

valentino ferriello
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2024

I poured my soul in my duty, and God repaid me with mirror coins. For it is reflecting yourself how you understand their value.

I began loving the loneliness, and so I met my biggest friend. For it is with oneself how I connect with others.

I began loving the winter, and so I was given heat. For it is in the freezing cold when others offer the warmest company.

And now I’ve been given rest. More grateful than ever to be a man, a human.

Joyful, knowing I’ll return to learn and keep teaching.

¿Have you ever heard of the Law of Resonance? ¿No? Then, ¿have you ever heard someone say they “manifested” something they wanted into their lives?

What we call “manifestation” is actually a powerfull technique for bending our own realities by connecting with invisible vibrations that carry information.

Quoting Joe Dispenza’s Becoming Supernatural: “All that is part of our material universe constantly emits light and information, even you”

When we say we MANIFEST, it means we tune in with the informational vibrations of that what we desire by entering in a state of inner peace as we traverse this humongous field of universal energy or, as many call it, the Quantum Field. This exists inside a realm filled with the purest loving energy of the world, you may or may not call it God. It exists in a world where all the possibilities have occurred, everything we’ve ever wanted was already granted to us in this realm. Sadly, that wish hasn’t came true in OUR plane of existence, but we can PULL IT off this realm and EXPERIENCE IT with our senses. To do so, we must grow possitive intentions wthin our hearts, acting like those dreams already came true in our lives. Fill your hearts with love; be thankful for what we recieve (even the hard challenges); experience peace as much as you can while you surround yourself with others (and yourself alone).

Let’s go back to the word RESONANCE, ¿why did I skip it for so long?

You see, while the Law of Atraction dictates you will atract what you tune your internal vibrations with, many people miss a key factor to make this law work. If you want more money in your life, you won’t get it acting like someone poor; if you want a loyal lover, you can’t go around being mean to strangers (or worse, your own family).

Thus, the Law of Resonance dictates you won’t recieve (in this case “manifest”) what you desire, but rather what you ARE. Like I said, if you want love, be loving.

Try using this mantra from now on: “The more I give, the more I recieve”. It applies to everything: Love, money, friends, ABUNDANCE. Always remember to carry this beautiful feelings with you at all times.

Thank you for reading this far. If you enjoy what I do, I’ll forever appreciate a small contribution from you in buymeacoffee.com/TinoFerr . Even a single dollar means a lot in Argentina.

Have a beautiful day, beautiful soul. And I hope to meet you in the Kaleidoscope ❤.



valentino ferriello

With an empty map and a vigorous smile, I venture deep into de kaleidoscope, being mesmerized by the vibrant colours. Nothing to lose, nothing to fear.