A simple way to achieve more

Lee Tuddenham
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2018

The problem is, well, there are a few. But the big one is my thoughts, sometimes they are proper, full-on idiots. They act like the KGB or the CIA. They do an MI6 on my ‘Self’, colluding to keep everything in check, everything between certain safe limits. My thoughts are what made me think I can’t be arsed to write a blog today. Told me that I feel rubbish, and willed me to do nothing apart from finding a duvet, climb on the sofa and vegetate.

They are the Idiotic Thoughts Police (ITP). Ninja’s that sneak up on you when least expected, and bosh, give you a wallop of negative juice. I’m sure they mean well, after all, they are trying to keep you safe. But sometimes, when they are being massive A-holes, I find its best not to listen.

“Consider that not only do negative thoughts and emotions destroy our experience of peace, they also undermine our health.” Dalai Lama

And certain things can increase recruitment to the ITP. Lethargy for one. Not eating properly, feeling stagnant in life, lack of exercise, and poor sleep. They all recruit to the ITP, increasing the number of thought saboteurs running around in the brain. Their aim is to keep you in your place and not let you wander outside of the comfort zone they are happy in.

Let’s not forget procrastination, that’s a huge topic all on its own, and is 100% down to the ITP. They take over and inject fear and uncertainty into your brain. Making you put off starting the project or making the phone call. They delay you from starting that business and from chasing your dreams. They even put you off writing blogs! Procrastination is a dream killer, but it starts from the little sabotaging gits in the ITP.

“Procrastination is, hands down, our favourite form of self-sabotage.” Alyce Cornyn-Selby

So, what can we do about this little mafia running around in our brains? There are several schools of thought on this. Positive thinking is one…..but, hang on, if it was that simple the ITP would not exist. As eminent Theoretical Physicists Davis Bohm said:

“If you engage in positive thinking to overcome negative thoughts, the negative thoughts are still there acting. That’s still incoherence. It’s not enough just to engage in positive thoughts when you have negative thoughts registered, because they keep on working and will cause trouble somewhere else.”

That’s the issue, the ITP is always going to be there. They are always going to be lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce, armed with mace and a taser. Ready to disarm those crazy dreams that might take you outside their comfort zone. So, the other option is to quieten the ITP, take away their megaphone and remove them from the limelight. The best way I have found to do that is meditation, striving towards your goals, and letting go of outcomes.

“Put your thoughts to sleep, do not let them cast a shadow over the moon of your heart. Let go of thinking.” Rumi

Now, some of you might be thinking that meditation is boring, it doesn’t work, its hippy-dippy crap, and so on. I know, because I started off thinking that too. But that’s the ITP getting involved, they don’t want you to do anything that might shut them up, the new threatens them. But, with a little perseverance and a soupçon of commitment, it can work. It effectively gags the ITP, they are still there, but you recognise them as the devils they are.

Meditation is easy when you know how. I started off using a meditation app on my phone, there are many. They help you to learn the basics of meditation, how to do it, why you are doing it, the benefits of doing it. I meditate for 10 minutes a day, that’s it, but that 10 minutes is enough to quieten then ITP, to tell them to shut the f**k up.

I know, there are going to be genuine times when the ITP get involved, and rightly so. Times of sorrow, sadness and stress, but these times are few and far between. I have found that if I turn the volume down on my negative thoughts, and let go of outcomes, I can, and do, achieve much more. I hope you find that too.



Lee Tuddenham

Husband, nurse, car lover, wannabe writer and serial dabbler in all things self-development. Also, huge dog enthusiast.