Are Kindred Spirits Real And 10 Signs You Found Yours

Mindful Dating Expert Tips
Published in
5 min readApr 25, 2024
Source: Pexels

What are kindred spirits? Is it some weird concept or a real deal? How do you know that someone is your kindred spirit? Today, we’ll answer all these questions and more. We’ll look into the definition of kindred spirits, talk about the signs you found yours, and try to understand how kindred spirits are different from soulmates and twin flames.

What is the meaning of a kindred spirit?

A kindred spirit is a person who’s fully compatible with you. You two are very like-minded, your values and attitudes are similar, and you are on the same page about pretty much everything. When someone meets their kindred spirit, they typically recognize each other immediately and hit things off right away too. The connection that kindred spirits feel is intense and it’s based on a variety of things, like common interests and experiences, similar plans for life, or views on things, and they quickly foster a sense of camaraderie.

Sings you found your kindred spirit

There are signs that will tell you that you’ve found your kindred spirit.

  1. You form an instant bond with this person. Regardless of where you meet: at a party, in an online dating chat, at work, or in the shop. One of the key characteristics of kindred spirits is that they feel instant connection and longing for one another.
  2. You feel like you really know them, even if you’ve actually met them recently.
  3. Distance and time can’t mess up your connection. It remains as strong as ever.
  4. Your beliefs, values, and passions align to the point it’s unbelievable you can match with someone to that extent.
  5. Sometimes it feels like you can read each other’s minds because you know exactly how they feel or what they’re thinking, even without them saying a word.
  6. Being in each other’s presence is very comfortable. You feel safe and secure when it’s just the two of you, and the trust is strong.
  7. You support each other through all time events and periods, and you can understand your partner’s perspective no matter what.
  8. You’re not only physically close, but your emotional intimacy is through the roof too.
  9. You learn from them about the world and about yourself too.
  10. They can remind you of what’s important and help you get back your main life plan or values if you ever detour from them.

Note: We’ve painted a pretty idealistic picture here, but keep in mind that even kindred spirits can have misunderstandings, fights, and even breakups.

Kindred spirits vs soul mates

You’d think that kindred spirits and soul mates are the same. It’s not exactly the case though, which came as a surprise to some of the members of the Once team.

So what is the difference then? We’re glad you asked!

Firstly, kindred spirits don’t have to be romantic or sexual partners. It’s possible to be kindred spirits as friends too. In some cases, you might even have your relative as a kindred spirit, for example, your grandparents or your uncle.

With soul mates, many believe that they’ve been together in their past lives and inevitably meet each other through generations and as centuries change. Moreover, soul mates are there with you, in your day-to-day mundane activities. They also have a more direct influence on your life, whereas kindred spirits can be far away and only ever see you and talk to you a few times a year, or even in life. This doesn’t mean that kindred spirits are inferior, it’s just that the nature of your relationships is different.

Kindred spirits vs twin flames

Twin flames and kindred spirits are both terms that we use to describe couples with intense connection, but they mean different things.

Twin flames have a stronger spiritual meaning, as they are believed to be two halves of one soul. And those halves are separated before reincarnation. Kindred spirits are two full separate souls that just happen to be very much on the same page.

Both terms refer to a connection that is able to withstand physical separation and time passing. But unlike kindred spirits, twin flames can’t be friends or relatives. They are lovers, first and foremost, and their passion and desire for each other are insatiable. With twin flames, spiritual awakening is the ultimate destination, and almost a requirement. Twin flames are also unable to go through slow dating stages, they need everything right here and right now, whereas kindred spirits are more likely to take things slow and wait longer before taking the next step.

Lastly, kindred spirits tend to be similar in their habits, views, lifestyle, thinking process, etc. Twin flames are often characterised as polar opposites which sit nicely with the concept of them being two parts of one soul. They, essentially, complete each other, so it’s normal that they have wildly different traits.

Does everyone need a kindred spirit?

Kindred spirits are not easy to come by, so don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t met yours yet. Also, people can be kindred spirits but simultaneously be very far from a perfect match romantically. People often falsely assume they should date just because they connect so easily and strongly. Believe it or not, it doesn’t always mean they should be with each other as lovers, and not all kindred spirits end up building healthy relationships.

If you’re dating, whether it’s dating online via apps or old-school through mutual introductions, you can look for the person who can be your kindred spirit. But don’t be too fixated on that! You can have a great romance with someone who has different values than yours. And it’s also fine if you don’t hit things off immediately after meeting each other.

Don’t worry too much about finding a kindred spirit, but concentrate on mindful dating instead. Know what and who you want and understand your priorities and boundaries. Aim to live a full life on your own, don’t wait for someone to become your lover to try new things and experiences.

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