Are We Really Learning Anything Meaningful In Schools?

Bisma Ishfaq
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2023

In this article, we question the value of our education and whether we remember what we learn in school. We explore the concept of forgetting, the focus on grades, and the impact on our education.

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The Disappearing Act:

Do you ever notice how quickly we forget what we learned in one class when we start a new one? It raises doubts about the worth of our education and the efforts we put into learning.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Beyond Memorization:

Instead of understanding, we often prioritize memorizing information for exams. But is this the best approach to learning? Shouldn’t education be about more than just avoiding failure?

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Missed Opportunities:

During our school years, we could be engaging in critical thinking, problem-solving, and hands-on activities. Unfortunately, the pressure to perform well in exams often limits these opportunities.

Redefining Education:

It’s time to reconsider education. It shouldn’t be confined to classrooms and exams. Education should ignite a love for learning, teach practical skills, and encourage adaptability in the real world.

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Now, I want to clearly express to you all that besides wasting our time in school, we don’t do much else. Honestly, if we invest the same amount of time in learning valuable skills, we can achieve a good position and earn a living. In today’s world, those who have money have everything. Those who have money can buy good people or even relationships, as relationships are being bought with money nowadays. There may be a few rare individuals who don’t prioritize money.

The point I’m trying to convey is simple: Learn something. When you reach grades 8, 9, and 10, stop focusing solely on studying. Start focusing on acquiring skills and believe in selling them. Build your name in the market.

Now, you might wonder, where will the money come from? Your family won’t support you. You still need to study, so how will you manage it all? The most common question that arises is that we don’t have the money to adopt new skills. I will address this question in this article as well.

Here, I have mentioned some courses that can truly help you in your journey:

Okay guys, I have mentioned some courses here that can help you become valuable individuals. So, what are you waiting for? All the best, give it your best shot, and remember me in your prayers. Feel free to comment for any questions.



Bisma Ishfaq

I am a creative content writer who brings ideas to life through captivating and compelling writing