Beyond Ordinary: Elevate Your Game with the High-Performance Habits You Haven’t Tried Yet

Tom Maccormick


Many of the corporate high achievers that I work with are consumed by the demands of their careers, striving for excellence and success. However, this relentless pursuit can sometimes come at the expense of their health and personal life. This daily grind takes its toll. If left unchecked, it leads to weight gain, low energy, and a lack of drive. Their health suffers and so does their career. The good news is that there are high-performance habits, inspired by the work of experts like Brendon Burchard, which can help you elevate your game beyond ordinary.

Imagine waking up every morning with boundless energy, a clear vision of your goals, and a deep sense of purpose. Picture yourself excelling in your demanding career while also enjoying a rich, fulfilling personal life. Sounds too good to be true? It’s not.

This is the reality for many of the high performers I coach who have discovered the secret to balancing career success with personal well-being. But what if I told you there are high-performance habits, grounded in research and proven by experts like Brendon Burchard, that can help you elevate your game beyond ordinary?

In this article, we will dive into these transformative habits, revealing actionable strategies that you haven’t tried yet. Whether you’re feeling the first signs of burnout or simply looking to optimize your performance, these habits will provide you with the tools to thrive both professionally and personally. Stay with me, and by the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to not only survive but truly excel in your high-stakes environment.

The Problem: The Burnout Dilemma

One challenge we face is the pervasive issue of burnout among high-achieving employees in corporate environments. Burnout is a state of chronic stress that leads to physical and emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and feelings of reduced accomplishment. It affects your health, your relationships, and ultimately, your performance at work.

Because of this issue, many professionals find themselves trapped in a cycle of overwork and underperformance, where the harder they push, the less they achieve. This not only hampers their career growth but also takes a toll on their personal lives. Does this sound familiar to you?

The traditional methods of hard work and perseverance, while important, are no longer sufficient to sustain high performance in the long run.

Why It’s a Problem: The Cost of Burnout

The downside is that burnout doesn’t just impact your work; it spills over into every aspect of your life. Studies have shown that burnout can lead to serious health problems, including heart disease, depression, and anxiety. It can also put a strain on personal relationships. In the corporate world, where the pressure to perform is immense, the cost of burnout can be particularly high.

Let me give you an example: Sarah, a senior associate at a prestigious law firm, used to work 60–70-hour weeks, believing that sheer effort would secure her a partnership. However, despite her hard work, she felt increasingly disengaged and exhausted. Her performance plateaued, and her health deteriorated. She made mistakes she wouldn’t normally. Drafting took her longer than normal. She was snappy with her associates and begrudging of the partners in her department. The problem was clear — Sarah was burnt out, and her usual coping mechanism (her relentless work ethic) was no longer an effective strategy and it certainly wasn’t sustainable.

The Solution: Implementing High-Performance Habits

To solve this type of scenario in your life, try adopting high-performance habits that focus on enhancing your energy, productivity, and overall well-being. Brendon Burchard’s research on high performers identifies several key habits that can transform your approach to work and life. Here are three powerful habits you probably haven’t tried yet:

1. Seek Clarity

One way to address this is to seek clarity in your personal and professional goals. High performers are exceptionally clear about what they want to achieve and why. This clarity helps them prioritize their tasks and focus their energy on what truly matters.

I regularly have to remind my clients that they don’t need a better time-management tool but a clarity tool. Once you have crystal clear clarity you can easily identify your top priorities, critical tasks and, just as importantly, all the tasks that are simply distractions taking you away from the things that truly matter. This is why I spend as long as it needs with clients to dig below the surface to really get them to understand what they want and why. Once they discover this it turbocharges their efforts in the areas that can propel them towards their goals and away from distractions.

Here’s what you can do: Start by setting clear, specific goals for both your career and personal life. Write them down and review them regularly. This practice will help you stay focused and motivated, reducing the chances of feeling overwhelmed by the myriad of tasks demanding your attention.

Example: Instead of vaguely aiming to “get ahead at work,” define what success looks like for you. Is it a promotion? Is it mastering a new skill? By knowing exactly what you want, you can channel your efforts more effectively. Then ask yourself why you want to achieve this. Ask yourself why 4 more times and you will have got close to the real root cause of this desire. By understanding your ‘why’ you will uncover a powerful motivator that inspires you to keep working towards your dreams.

2. Generate Energy

The problem is that many high achievers neglect their physical and mental energy, leading to fatigue and burnout. High performers, on the other hand, prioritize practices that boost their energy levels.

Here’s the issue: Energy management is crucial for sustaining high performance. Without it, even the most talented individuals can fall short of their potential. High performers generate energy through regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest.

Example: Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. It doesn’t have to be an intense workout; even a brisk walk during lunch can make a significant difference. Additionally, pay attention to your diet and sleep patterns. Ensure you’re fuelling your body with nutritious foods and getting enough sleep to recharge.

3. Raise Necessity

High performers elevate the necessity of their goals, making them non-negotiable. This mindset shift ensures that their actions align with their aspirations, driving them to perform at their best consistently.

Here’s why this matters: When you attach a high level of importance to your goals, you are more likely to follow through with the necessary actions, even when faced with obstacles or fatigue. This heightened sense of necessity creates an internal drive that propels you forward.

Example: Think about why your goals are important to you. Remember your ‘why’. Is it to provide a better life for your family? Is it to make a significant impact in your field? Is it to prove the disapproving teacher wrong? By connecting your goals to a deeper purpose, you enhance your commitment and resilience.

Practical Steps to Implement These Habits

Consider these tips to integrate these high-performance habits into your life effectively:

  1. Daily Goal Setting: Each morning, write down three key goals for the day. This simple act can help you maintain focus and clarity throughout your busy schedule.
  2. Scheduled Breaks: Plan short breaks during your workday to recharge. Use this time to relax and refocus. Stretch, have a coffee with a friend, meditate, or take a walk. Regular breaks can boost your energy and productivity.
  3. Accountability Partners: Share your goals with a trusted colleague or friend who can hold you accountable. Regular check-ins can keep you motivated and on track.
  4. Evening Reflection: At the end of each day, take a few minutes to reflect on your achievements and areas for improvement. This practice can help you continuously refine your approach and stay aligned with your goals. Try this: Write down one kind thing you did for someone. One kind thing someone did for you. One thing you learned today and one thing you a grateful for.
  5. Mindfulness Practice: Incorporate mindfulness techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises into your routine. These practices can help reduce stress and increase your overall well-being. I find coherence breathing and Box breathing extremely easy to follow and exceptionally helpful.

Turning Theory into Practice

Let me tell you about John, an analyst at a top investment firm. John was known for his dedication and long hours, but he often felt exhausted and unfulfilled. After working together for a while and discussing high-performance habits, he decided to make some changes and implement some.

John started by seeking clarity in his career goals, defining his long-term aspirations and the steps needed to achieve them. He realised his ‘why’ was to provide for his family but, most importantly give them the confidence to take advantage of opportunities without feeling they were not worthy. This is something he had battled with after growing up in a working-class family and then finding himself in the unfamiliar surroundings of a prestigious university and, subsequently, a top investment bank. He also incorporated regular exercise into his daily routine, choosing activities he enjoyed, like cycling, swimming and basketball. Additionally, he practiced mindfulness through daily meditation sessions. He had not previously meditated before but simply downloaded some guided meditations and followed a short morning mediation and a longer, calming pre-bed meditation.

The result? John stayed patient and persistent. He had his ups and downs when the stresses of work and family life try top derail him, but he stayed consistent. His consistency meant these actions became a non-negotiable part of his routine. His efforts compounded over time. His energy levels soared, and he became more focused and productive at work. His relationships improved as he spent quality time with family and friends. Most importantly, John felt a renewed sense of purpose and fulfilment, both personally and professionally.

The Path to Sustainable Success

So, the bottom line is that achieving high performance in your career doesn’t have to come at the expense of your health and personal life. By adopting high-performance habits like seeking clarity, generating energy, and raising necessity, you can elevate your game beyond ordinary. These habits not only enhance your career performance but also improve your overall well-being, creating a sustainable path to success.

To sum it up, start by setting clear goals, prioritizing your energy, and attaching a high level of importance to your aspirations. Implementing these habits may require effort and commitment, but the rewards are well worth it. Remember, the journey to high performance is not a sprint but a marathon. With the right habits in place, you can achieve extraordinary results in both your career and personal life.



Tom Maccormick

Executive Health Coach | Helping You Achieve Peak Performance Professionally, Physically, and Personally Without Sacrificing Well-being.