Can You Forgive Yourself?

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4 min readJun 5, 2024

In life, we often find ourselves grappling with the burden of our past mistakes. We carry the weight of regret, self-blame, and shame, unable to shake off the heavy chains that bind us to our misgivings. But let me ask you a question “Can You Forgive Yourself”?

You may be a little confused about why I asked you this but to answer this let me ask you one more question, Have you ever felt a need for someone who could love you just the way you are? Someone who could accept you just the way you are?
Whatever your answer is… Now let me show you something, Do you see the picture below? What do you see?

Credit — H Music (YouTube)

YES, It’s Nobita, undoubtedly one of our most loved cartoon characters, But what’s strange is that he is sad and happy at the same time Do you know why? Of course, you know… He’s missing Doraemon his bestfriend. Someone who loved him the most, Someone we wish we had in life.

But what the hell do you have to do with this picture? Well, I know whether you hide or so I still know you’ve grown nostalgic and the picture has tickled you, You just don’t know what’s the matter, although this feeling is not new Still you’re confused… Do you know why?

Shhh… Let me tell you a little Secret, You never sat down on this and acknowledged this, or maybe you did, but let’s come to the point.

Yes, you saw Nobita sad because Doraemon was not there but you know what we all have to go through this time. Not everyone is lucky enough to get a Doraemon in their life and those who are too have to lose him someday and you know what happens then? Nothing… There is only one person we’ve got and that’s us.

Let me tell you a story, One fateful day, Sarah stumbled upon an old journal from her teenage years. As she leafed through the pages, she was confronted with the raw emotions of her younger self — the dreams, the fears, and the unbridled optimism.

At that moment, she was struck by the realization that she had been holding onto the past with a vice-like grip, refusing to grant herself the same compassion and understanding that she readily extended to others.

Do you know why this is important for you? Because you too and trust me almost every one of us goes through this. I urge you to please forgive that tiny “you” inside you. You know what YOU need.

Yes, you need yourself more than anyone else needs you. Yes, you deserve that Love, Compassion, Warmth, Respect, and acceptance from yourself.

Please let go of all the fears the Insecurities the grief the doubt the hate within you for yourself. Acknowledge yourself, You too are a Child and You can make mistakes, and trust me there will be no one left by your side day you will have to live all by yourself, I am sorry but this is the truth even your parents will have to leave you someday and then you’ll exactly be there where you saw Nobita.

Let me show you one more picture,

Credit — H Music (YouTube)

You know what the same way Someday you’ll open the door of your room and there will be no one except you. You and Only You to your rescue. How will you survive that day?

This child needs you, Your love and You have to give this you must forget what happened in the past forget what mistakes you made forget what all you did wrong start new start fresh, and not with guilt but with love and acceptamce for yourself.

You may have failed that entrance exam, You may have lost someone really close to you, You may have wasted some of your Resources, You may have worked really hard for something but still ended up with nothing still you are you.

All this really makes no difference to the core of your human existence you still are as deserving to live and to be loved as Albert Einstien or any other great personality you still good darling, Just believe in yourself and let go of everything, and stop down and feel yourself feel your existence.

So what if something went wrong? So what if something that you thought would work didn’t work out? So what if some of your plans failed? So what if you didn’t reach where you planned?

NOTHING!! Absolutely Nothing,

Self-forgiveness is not an act of erasing the past, but an act of reclaiming the future. It is a journey fraught with challenges, but one that holds the promise of liberation and self-empowerment.

So empower and cheer yourself up and accept yourself just the way you are because you are the only one you got… fight the demons of your past and win them through your compassion and love and I promise you you will soon end up very successful and very especially you’ll very soon be a fulfilled person in your life and tryst there’s nothing more satisfying than being a fulfilled person.

Till then keep reading and keep loving, If you resonate with me Hit the Follow button and like this article also you can connect to my email list to get an email every time I publish.




Writer | Designer | Developer | conclusively an Outlier. Works for heart! Writes to Live! My Linktree -