Change your Vibe, Change your Life: 14 ways to Raise your Vibe

Leah Rebecca Bailey
Published in
8 min readAug 16, 2024
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Everything in life has an energy, a vibrational frequency. Our vibration is what attracts certain things into our life while repelling others. As well as what we ourselves are drawn to or reject.

When we are vibrating in the lower realms of anger, bitterness, jealousy, or shame we tend to also be drawn to or attract situations and people who also reside in these emotions giving us the opportunity to feed off each other, or reinforce our views.

On the other hand when we live in the higher realms of love, gratitude, respect, and forgiveness, our vibration will attract other people and situations also vibrating at the same level. And we will be repelled by negative people and environments.

We can change our whole life by changing our vibration. So how do we raise our vibes to the level that draws in all the beautiful things life has to offer.

Here are 14 ways we can raise our vibe:

See the beauty

What we focus on grows. If we actively and consciously make an effort to see the beauty around us, we will eventually train our mind to see it spontaneously and naturally. It will just become part of who we are; someone who sees beauty in life. There is beauty everywhere; in nature, in people, in the loving gestures around us. You look, you’ll find it.

Move your body

Moving our body shifts energy. Not only does it feel good to move but is also good for our mental health as it releases dopamine and endorphins. It also helps release the stress hormone, cortisol from our bloodstream. Dancing is a good way to raise our vibration as we have the extra benefit of music lifting us up to higher states. Yoga is also beneficial, but even just walking in nature or around the block will move our mood and help us get good energy flowing.

Meditation and breathwork

The purpose of meditation is to focus the mind to detach from our negative or unproductive thoughts. It teaches us to notice our thoughts, accept them, and then let them go. When our mind is free of clutter it goes back to its original state which is pure contentment. Regular meditation practice helps us get rid of unconscious thinking patterns that might be holding us back or causing us to stay in low vibe modes. One easy yet effective way to quiet our mind is to focus on our breath. Breathing in deeply for the count of five seconds, and breathing out for the count of five. This will also slow down our nervous system helping us relax. We can also try breathing in good thoughts on our inhale, while breathing out and releasing the negative on the exhale.

Immerse yourself in nature

The influence that nature has on our body, mind, and emotional and spiritual state is something we can’t deny. People who are deprived of nature are prone to higher degrees of depression, stress, and anxiety. Nature teaches us how to be still as well as informs us about the rhythms and cycles of life. Nature’s beauty can also help us appreciate our own and other people’s beauty. Areas such as waterfalls, the beach, mountains, or the ocean contain higher amounts of negative ions which increase the levels of serotonin in the brain.

Forest bathing or Shinrin-yoku which means ‘taking in the forest atmosphere’ is a Japanese healing modality and studies from the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy have shown that many trees give off an organic compound that increases the body’s Natural. Killer (NK) cells which boost our immune system, help us fight cancer, improve our sleeping patterns, and our ability to focus. So, go and immerse yourself in nature if you want to raise your vibe quickly.

Think positive thoughts

Our thoughts become our words, our words become our actions, and our actions create our life. If you want to raise your vibe, start becoming conscious of your thoughts. In his book, As a Man Thinketh, James Allen writes,

“Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armoury of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself. He also fashions the tools with which he builds heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace. By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to the Divine Perfection; by the abuse and wrong application of thought, he ascends below the level of the beast. Between these two extremes are all grades of character, and man is their maker and master.”

Become aware of the thoughts you think about yourself, other people, and the world around you. If you can flip these to become positive then you will see a change in the vibe you give out.

Be conscious of your environment

Our environment has a huge effect on us. The people we hang out with, where we live, and our surroundings, affect our physical and mental health and can either lower or raise our vibration. If we surround ourselves with negative people, it will either drain our energy or make us turn into a negative person ourselves. Also if we hang out with people who put us down all the time this will lower our vibe drastically. On the other hand if we surround ourselves with people who lift us up, respect us, who are positive and encouraging, it will raise us up helping us live to our fullest potential.

Be mindful of the information you consume

In this day and age we have access to so much information which we can attain in a flash. This is both positive and negative. The downside is that the information we find might not always be accurate, and a lot of the time it’s somebody’s personal opinion. This can be harming when people base their life decisions from things they read on the internet and social media. You only need to read comments from certain posts to see how negative and even bullying people can get when expressing their opinion. Allowing ourselves to get caught up and drawn into this can definitely lower our vibration.

The news is another area where we need to be cautious. Even though we might want to keep up with world events, we need to be aware that the news has a negative bias in order to make people watch it. When it comes to consuming information try to find positive events to focus on, and join inspiring and uplifting social media groups that keep you in a positive mindset.

Eat fresh wholefoods

Eating food in their natural state helps retain its nutritional value. We want to try and limit our meat consumption and increase our vegetable and fruit intake. Studies show that some people are eating a week’s worth of meat in one sitting. This can lead to dehydration, calcium loss, and kidney damage. What we eat and how we eat not only energises the body but also the spirit, and our energy field. Just like every living thing on earth, food has a life and energy field which comes together with our own and affects it. Wholefoods such as fruit and vegetables, nuts, and legumes have more life-giving properties and feed our life force, whereas refined and processed food weakens it. Drinking raw, live juices is also a good way to raise our vibration as these have an increased concentration of nutrients, enhancing their value.


When it comes to detoxing, this can mean anything from detoxing from drugs and alcohol, eliminating junk or fried food, or getting rid of toxins through the use of sauna or spa treatments. All these are good ways to release what is unnecessary and help raise our vibration. We can also clear negative energy by using Epsom or Celtic salts, or swimming in the ocean. Another thing we want to remember is to drink a lot of water, because if we are dehydrated it’s hard to focus and achieve what we need to achieve. Spring water has the highest vibration, so if we keep up our intake we will notice the difference in how we feel.

Music and Sound Therapy

Listening to music can help raise our vibration in many ways. It can help relieve stress, give us energy if we feel flat, and put us in a better mood. Sound Therapy is something we might want to consider trying as well. Sound therapy can involve using Tibetan singing bowls, drums, guitars, tuning forks, chimes, or voice. The sound frequencies are believed to stimulate our body into healing. It’s a beautiful experience and will no doubt leave you feeling in a higher vibe state than beforehand.

See the good in others

When we see the good in others we have a better perception of the world in general. A lot of the time we jump to conclusions too quickly about people or don’t have all the information so it’s easy to see the worst in people. Biologically humans naturally have a negative bias but if we try to rise above this we will find that people are just trying to be happy or meet certain needs. Sometimes people might go about it the wrong way and their actions might be questionable, but if we keep in mind that at their core most people are just like you.

Know your worth

The feeling of shame and not being good enough can leave us vibrating very low and can lead to depression or other mental disorders. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, and know that nobody can make you feel worthless without your permission. There will always be people who project their insecurities onto you but we don’t need to catch the ball. We don’t need to be perfect to be worthy. Everybody makes mistakes, and the moment we accept ourselves unconditionally, flaws and all, is the moment we release shame. That’s when we will start vibrating higher therefore attracting high vibe people to us who see our worth.

Work towards personal goals

When we have meaningful goals that we can work towards, it keeps our motivation high. Motivation is a key factor in dopamine production. When we feel a sense of achievement with positive feedback along the way we will feel our vibrations soar. Having goals that are personal and meaningful to us helps us develop into a better person so we can become the best version of ourselves. This in turn will increase our self-esteem and self-worth.

Focus on higher goals

This brings me to taking our goals up a notch to focus on goals that make an impact and contribution in the world. Nothing raises our vibration quite like the feeling of knowing that we are making a difference. When we are motivated to make a change for the better in the world it creates a shift in us also. We naturally want to become a better person and become more authentic in our actions and thoughts. This will also help us focus on what’s truly important in life, helping us release what’s not. What better way to keep us vibrating high helping us attract all the beautiful and meaningful things that life has to offer us.

To keep your vibration high try my 52-Week Wellness Planner to cultivate mindfulness, self-care, and live more intentionally.

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Leah Rebecca Bailey

I am a qualified therapist and founder of Mindfulness Mummahood. You can find out more here: