Did you ever realize that God spelled backwards is Dog?

Kirsten Telan
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2022
Murphy & Mochi

So what do dogs have to do with God?

Our beloved dogs teach us to understand God’s unconditional love. They are more than just our pets. They are our family. They are our friends. Their presence positively impacts our bodies, our minds, and our spirits. There are heartwarming correlations between God and dogs. They provide us with unconditional and endless love just like God. God is willing to forgive our flaws. God is attentive and He only asks for love in return. He couldn't be physically with us, so He created dogs. A true companion, full of faithfulness, patience, and goodness. God never gets tired of us and only asks that we spend time with Him each and everyday. When we walk away or have a hard day God waits on us and loves us no matter what. Dogs reflect all of these aspects of God.

I took a moment to think and pray about the word ‘Dog’ and came up with the most beautiful acronyms:

🎉Does Only Good

🎉Dutifully On Guard

🎉Directors Of Guidance

🎉Disciples Of God

🎉Diligent Obedient Grateful

🎉Depends On God

A dog is truly a living, breathing example and testimony of how God’s light can shine in us. They provide us with spiritual inspiration and life lessons.

Over the years, our three precious pugs (Buddy, Duke, and Murphy) and our sweet Shiba Inu (Mochi) have provided our family with wonderful spiritual lessons.


If our dogs are fed and watered they are happy. If they have a cozy bed to sleep in then they are happy. If they are taken on a walk around the block to enjoy nature and other furry friends then they are content. Dogs can teach us it is about the little things; the simple joys and delights.

Physical Touch

Caressing and petting our dogs is so good for our health. It can help heal sickness, reduce stress, anxiety, and worry in our lives. Dogs can boost our serotonin levels and lower our blood pressure. Their tender touch can elevate our moods and create instant happiness. Dogs can teach us to hug often and love one another.


Even after hiring a dog trainer, our dogs still jump all over the furniture (sometimes with dirty paws). They will bark and beg for human food when we are eating dinner, they shed, and snore. They can have poor manners and over time become overweight if they don’t exercise. Dogs can teach us that no one is perfect.

Be in the here and now

A dog has no concept of time. Whether you leave the house for 15 minutes or two weeks they always greet you like it has been years since they last saw you. A dog doesn’t worry about the future or think about the past. Dogs can teach us to live more in the present and enjoy each day.

Play all day

Dogs spend hours and hours playing. They love to fetch, hunt, sniff, and dig. They like to explore and play with other dogs. They like to chase and wrestle and wag their tails. Dogs can teach us to spend more time playing.

“When you feel sad, I will be your smile. If you cry, I will be your comfort. And if someone breaks your heart, you can live on mine. I’ll always be your best friend.” ~unknown

RIP Buddy & Duke



Kirsten Telan

inspiring others through the Confetti Effect to spread kindness like confetti, traveler, reader, writer, hiker, encourager, blogger, growth mindset learner🙌🏻✨