Don’t Make Your Next Move Until You Do This 1 Thing

You’ll thank me for this.

George Kathele
4 min readMar 26, 2024


Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash

Have you ever heard of the 'bad eye' or the 'bad vibes'?

Well, I'm sure most of us have.

Is it worth sharing your milestones or next moves with the people close to you or instead with anyone?

How sure are you that your circle will celebrate you or celebrate your next moves?

How sure are you that the same circle wishes you well every time you celebrate a milestone with them?

Assume everything goes as planned. Do you think the same circle played a part in their 'good' wishes, or is it your resilience that did the play?

What if things went south and were different from what was planned? Who do you blame?

Yourself for blattering it all out, or the people you mentioned your next moves or milestones to?

Consider these questions as we mention a thing or two in this piece.

Protecting your Mantra

Let's make it our business to protect our next moves and milestones.

It's not wrong to mention it to your close circle, as human beings are social beings, but we must be attentive enough to realize to whom we are saying these things.

I don't know how superstitious you are, but we can agree that sometimes it's better to keep it all to ourselves.

Are you aware of the three things you need to keep private?

Your love life, next move and income.

There's a reason these specific three are mentioned, as it is believed that the 'bad eye' can lead to their destruction.

We strive to work towards the three aspects of life mentioned above. In addition, it becomes our business to protect the mantra surrounding them.

Most people are envious out here; you cannot blame them as those are emotions and feelings that are part of the human being.

You must protect what's yours and make it your business to work towards their betterment continuously.

Stay out of sight; this is one basic step to protecting your mantra.

Be the quietest in the room to stay out of sight and avoid the spotlight.

Trust me, it works!

Stay Out of the Way

Make a few goals, work towards them, hit them, and set other higher goals.

It's not necessary to be out there and let all about you be known.

You can do it in the shadows and let success scream it all out for you (not in a cocky manner, though).

If you have people looking down on you, that should not worry you.

I believe in one of my mentor's quotes where he usually mentions that;

The best revenge is success.

All you need to do is stay out of the way and work towards your goals and targets.

The 'bad eye' is always watching; it must disrupt your energy, and the rest will be in shambles.

Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

We are all aware that misery loves company.

Funny enough, most people out here are miserable and jealous and would love you to be one of them.

The more, the merrier.

Strive to make it your business and not be part of such a cohort.

Privacy is Key

My experience of not being private made me realize that privacy is key.

I have started a few businesses and relationships as well.

However, I am excited during the journey and make it people's business to share the joy with me.

What happens next?

You guessed right! They are always short-lived!

However, there's only one business I had to gatekeep, which I still am, that is striving.

How and why does it work? I have no idea. I go with the flow and ensure I have to be private about it.

Most of us are private with our businesses and relationships, and things are working out for some reason.

With income, it has to be the same, except this is culturally influenced.

Let me explain.

In Japan, it is considered normal to mention how much one earns; however, it is 'forbidden' in most Western countries.

People like keeping such information to themselves solely to protect their privacy and avoid the 'bad eye'.

Final Note

Make it your business to protect what's yours and stay out of the way.

Out of sight, out of mind.

You won't become a target toward your 'friends' and 'enemies'.

You will be part of your goals; no energy will disrupt your focus.

Remember, you're always haunted.

However, privacy wins at the end of the day.

Also, you can still share with the people you trust.

Let me know what are your thoughts concerning this topic.

Ciao, for now.



George Kathele

Aspiring Writer + Minimalist + Solitaire + Imperfect. I write on how to capture readers’ attention. “You have seconds to grab it and minutes to keep it.”