Flip Those Pics!

Summoning Up Story Ideas Through Photography

Deborah Harmes


Photo ©Julie Johnson at Unsplash

It’s a struggle some days — staring at a blank page or screen — fretting about what to write.

So what could we do to get moving again?

We all need nudges on occasion, and I’ve found that old photos are perfect for that. Looking at a place, event, or person — captured as a moment in time — jolts the brain into a new idea.

Photo by Cheryl Winn-Boujnida on Unsplash

Reconnecting with our past through visual clues once meant sifting through a box of old photos or turning the pages of cracking and yellowed albums.

Ah — the good old days when my eyes would burn as I developed tanks of film that I had wound onto reels, then slid printing paper in and out of trays filled with developing, stopping, and fixing fluid. I don’t really miss the smells, but I do miss the magic moment when the image appeared on a piece of white paper.

Photo courtesy of Creative Commons

Enough nostalgia — back to the photos!



Deborah Harmes

Writer, Editor, Researcher, Photographer. Deborah Harmes, Ph.D. Australian citizen, EU resident, chronic insomniac, writing in British-English.