Helping the Earth is Helping Yourself

Percy Longbottom
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2020


Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash

For those of you who don’t know, April 22nd was Earth day. It was the day to celebrate the Earth and thank it for the life it has given you. Many people don’t think twice about this event… Why should they? Well, the Earth is our home. It provides us with food, water, shelter, and warmth. It has given us what no other planet in this galaxy could give. This beloved planet that we, humans, call home, is dying. I’m sure you’ve heard it on the news or seen it on adds on YouTube- the climate is changing for the worse. You might be thinking, “So? It’s not like I can do anything that can instantly help improve the longevity of Earth’s life.” What if I told you there are some things that a regular human like you, can do. These small tasks are SUPER simple and SUPER easy. You’re probably already following some of them by habit. Read these to make 2020, your best Earth day ever!

Recycle, recycle, RECYCLE!

Photo by Brian Yurasits on Unsplash

I cannot stress how important this is. Hundreds of animal species are predicted to go extinct in less than 100 years due to pollution. You should already be recycling and sticking all the plastic you have into the blue cans. If you do, consider yourself an animal saver. Every particle of plastic that is recycled, is a particle of plastic that doesn’t go into oceans and doesn’t kill our wildlife. Pat yourself on the back!

Say no to Styrofoam.

Photo by

Styrofoam is made of polystyrene which is not biodegradable. This means it takes forever for it to break down and become a part of the soil. Try to limit the purchase of styrofoam and companies won’t have to produce as much anymore! If you need styrofoam to keep things like your china plates safe, try using air pouches. There are some brands where the pouches are eco-friendly as well. Not a styrofoam user? Congratulations! Yet another Earth day accomplishment for you!

Locate leaky taps.

There is at least one leaky tap in every household. And if you’re anything like me, the sound annoys the honey out of you! Faucets that drip waste A LOT of water. A drippy faucet can leak enough water to take 100 showers in a year! Every time you use the bathroom, make sure the water comes to a complete stop. If you follow this, you just prevented an expensive water bill!

A little gardening doesn’t hurt anybody.

This is one of my favorite things to do. Planting a few plants in your backyard can help. If you love gardening then you’re a natural Earth Hero! Planting sapling is the best thing anyone can do to reduce their carbon footprint. After you finish reading this, go outside (if possible) and enjoy the plants. Maybe even plant a few yourself!

Following these steps can help save the Earth. One person at a time. Hooray! You’re an Earth Hero now! If the existence of Earth was shortened to 24 hours, humans have only existed for 3 seconds! Help make a difference so we can have a better future in the next second!

