How To Get Back On Track

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3 min readApr 5, 2019

Your sleeping more. Your spending less time on your dream. Your making excuses that you promised yourself you wouldn’t. You feel yourself not staying as focused as you used to be at the things you want to accomplish in life. It’s not the end of the world. You can always get back on track. I know it may seem like you’re losing all passion and enthusiasm to do the things you claim to love, but it’s always going to be a struggle. Trust me everybody has gone through this period of time throughout their lifetime. It’s all about getting back on track and finding out the ways to get back to that fear of focus that you were once at.

First Thing’s First: Be Nice To Yourself

When you feel as though you’re messing around, knowing you should be doing something productive, lighten up on yourself. The problem with some of us is that we’re too hard on ourselves. Yes, set your goals high, but have the thought in mind that everything doesn’t happen in one day. Don’t feel as though you have to do a million things in a day. (Next Blog On Productivity). Take a moment and breathe. Everybody needs a break from reality to relax and gather themselves together. Life is about being happy and having fun in it. Being hard on yourself will only cause you mentally to shut down and not move forward. This isn’t what we need.

Start Small

Starting with small actions in order to get back on track always works. In the midst of you accomplishing these small tasks, you will develop a sense of focus that will mentally push you into taking more action. Don’t put too much on your plate to where you’re mentally drained just thinking about all these things you have to accomplish. Simply start with doing homework. Doing homework will soon transition into doing something else and so on and so forth. The next thing you know you’re in a deep focus and doing the things you need to do for hours without even noticing the time passing by. When you reach that deep of a focus you’re nurturing your habit and your brain will soon automatically function in this way.

Ride The Momentum

Now that you’ve started small and regained that focus, you now have to ride this momentum. By making what you do a daily routine it will seem effortless and you’ll be more focused than ever. Soon enough you’ll be feeling great throughout the day and you don’t even know why. You will feel a lot more confident about the things that you do throughout the day because you’ll feel as though your life is prioritized. You won’t even think about sleep, tv, or video games because you’ll develop a one-track mind which will automatically decline all of the negative actions that you used to take.

Enjoy The Ride

Once you’re back on track you can easily and effectively enjoy the ride to success. Everything will become smooth in transition and you won’t be focused on the negative aspects of life. You can only get better from here!

Thank You For Reading!




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