How To Hydrate Well

Your simple plan to drinking more water.

Scout B.
2 min readSep 7, 2024


Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

Water is an incredibly important part of healthy living. And we all know that humans are made up of majority water.

But drinking enough water during the day is hard for most people. And this leads to most of us walking around at a low level of dehydration constantly…

I have worked with many clients as a health coach who have this same struggle. And I have a dead simple solution that will help you drink more water.

Step 1: Drink a glass of water before every meal.

No, this does not dilute your stomach acid and destroy your ability to digest your food. If you think one glass of water could derail one of the strongest acids known to mankind, you should check the sources you trust with your health advice.

If you drink a glass of water before every meal (and let's assume you eat 3 meals a day), you are off to a great start and will actually improve your digestion.

Step 2: Drink a glass of water after each meal.

No, this does not dilute your stomach acid in any kind of significant way. In fact, drinking water before and after meals will help you eat less and feel fuller faster.

Step 3: Drink 2 glasses of water when you wake up.

Not that we're counting, but that's your 8 glasses of water per day. Done and dusted.

And here is a little bonus. Did you know that once you reach the 1 litre mark (roughly), you will naturally become more thirsty, making water intake easier as the day progresses.

So start strong with 2 glasses, then frame the front and back end of each meal with a glass of water.


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Scout B.

The stories of a doctor who walked away and became a writer.