How to make 100 dollars per hour at Home!

Che Averroes
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2020

(Student Edition) Not Illegal or a Scam, you just have to work hard.

100 Dollar Bill, with a Face Mask

So you wanna make some money, huh??

This method of money making will vary for everyone who attempts it, but if done correctly can be extremely lucrative.

My philosophy for when anything goes wrong is: “When there is a crisis there is always an opportunity”

In the last semester of school, I found that to be extremely true. I found myself generating a marginal gain close to 10 thousand dollars, without leaving the comfort of my home. And How you ask ? Well to that I answer, writing. Specifically writing for others. I found that when people spend more time at home they tend to be more careless or less scrupulous/diligence, and that is where we come in.

I offered a writing service which started off with a single friend offering me monetary compensation, in return for a handcrafted essay. This business slowly grew into a writing enterprise. I found myself writing for students in 32 schools, 8 different counties, 4 different states, and 1 providence.

The outcome was better than I could have imagined. But you are probably wondering how I scaled to that portion or how to start.

Well, with this up coming semester in the fall a lot of schools are online, which is a great time to start your writing enterprise. My business model was strictly referral based meaning that when I would write for one client they would then tell there friends and it would just escalate from there.

“Lazy people know lazy people, so find the right demographic”

The pricing for any large essay over 6 pages, would be 80–120 dollars. Which takes an average of 45–90 mins depending on the subject. Anything under 6 pages would be 40–60 dollars. I would also guarantee 40% refund if you did not receive a 92% or higher. I would also do math (calculus) homework depending on the amount of problems and that would vary anywhere from 10–30 dollars. In order to get the most accurate writing flow, I would also request the client to send me a previous writing sample in order to mimic there writing flow.

I would request the client to Venmo, Cashapp, PayPal, or send me a bitcoin transfer before sending there work.

This business plan worked extremely well for me, and you can modify it to your own preferences.

It works best if you are also writing for students outside of your school. If you have friends that attend a different institution, I suggest that you ask them to help market your services and that can really perpetuate your growth. Also please check with the guidelines of your school before you do this.

This is definitely not easy work, but it is very lucrative. You also learn so much in the process. I learned so much about the Brazilian economy, the Rwanda genocide, astrophysics, calculus integrals, Leo Tolstoy, “mauvaise foi”, and so much more.

I found this to be an amazing way to grow my own intellect while also monetizing it.

Happy writing!



Che Averroes

Metaphysicist. Buddhist. Traveler. and Seeker of truth