How to Make Your Partner Take the Initiative in Love: Three Key Psychological Tactics

Freda Reagan
Published in
4 min readApr 13, 2024
Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

In a relationship, conflicts are inevitable. Many people tend to respond with the silent treatment after a disagreement, which can seriously harm the relationship over time.

If both parties refuse to give in due to the silent treatment and you want the other person to take the initiative, these three psychological strategies are crucial. Let me share a story from a reader at the beginning of the article:

Both my boyfriend and I have somewhat hot tempers. Every time we argue, it leads to a cold war. I always end up being the one to seek reconciliation first.

As time went on, he grew more and more indifferent towards me, always feeling that every argument was my fault, and he wouldn’t even come to me first.

Later, I realized that my repeated compromises only resulted in his arrogance.

One time, we argued over some trivial matters in life, and usually, I would reach out to him within a week.

But that time, I didn’t contact him for a month.

During that month, I did what I pleased, ate, drank, and had fun.

I hung out with friends, went shopping with my best friend, and everything in my life had nothing to do with him.

Yet, I subtly reminded him that I could live well without him.

In my posts, I occasionally had one or two close friends of the opposite sex.

I remember one time after he saw my posts, he messaged me first, even questioning where I was, who I was with, and who the opposite-sex friends were. I knew he took the bait.

Even so, I still didn’t respond to him until a month later when he came to me on his own, even apologizing.

After hearing her story, I was quite touched because in a relationship, the one using the silent treatment often does so to satisfy their need to feel wanted.

The more you apologize, the more accomplished he feels. Over time, the one in the wrong will always be you. Conversely, by ignoring the other person and living your life well, make them feel that you can also live a good life without them.

Over time, he will fear losing you. Only by living a fulfilling life on your own can you have a happy life together.

In love, wanting the other person to take the initiative involves these three psychological strategies, which are crucial.

Stay Calm

In a relationship, lengthy arguments lead to being the loser. Those who can’t stay calm in a relationship will ultimately end up losing completely.

In “The Red and the White Roses,” there’s a saying: “If a person is busy, it’s because they don’t want to make time. If a person can’t leave, it’s because they don’t want to leave. If a person makes too many excuses, it’s because they don’t want to care.”

It’s the same in relationships. If someone doesn’t want to contact you, there’s no need to cling on.

We should approach love rationally. If you can’t stay calm, you’re likely to become irritable and lose your rationality, leading to irrational behavior.

Many people are blinded by emotions when it comes to love, only to realize in the end that they are the ones getting hurt.

When someone is unwilling to take the initiative, the best choice is to stay calm, live your life well, and not waste time on unworthy people or matters to make the most of your time.

Set Boundaries

When you can stay calm, the other person may come back and take the initiative. Don’t make them feel that they can’t live without you. Only then will they learn to respect you more.

When the other person comes back to you, it’s essential to communicate properly and set boundaries so that similar issues can be avoided in the future.

Love requires mutual effort. If only one person is willing, the relationship will eventually come to an end.

Communication is crucial in a relationship. Many conflicts arise from a lack of communication. Understanding communication makes love last, and mutual respect extends happiness.

Learn to Let Go

Love should be beautiful for each of us. If love takes away our happiness, we should detach ourselves promptly.

Letting go means: “Cut off unnecessary items, give up excess food, and face unworthy people and things, we should decisively let go.

Good love helps us grow, but bad love is only a waste for us.

We should cherish love when it’s there and let go when it’s not. Love that’s too humble is not worth it for us.

In love, both parties should contribute, and if you want the other person to take the initiative, you must have your own charm. Arguments are inevitable between couples, but learning to solve problems when conflicts arise is crucial.

Being too proactive will only make you love in a humble manner. In the face of a worthy relationship, we need to learn to communicate in a timely manner, avoid big fights, and never try to resolve issues through quarrels.

Staying calm, learning how to handle a relationship correctly is also a kind of wisdom. Those who truly understand love will know how to nurture it, while those who don’t will end up in a mess, knowing some tricks in love is what makes love last.



Freda Reagan

Hi, I'm Freda Reagan, a passionate storyteller specializing in capturing the essence of love and emotions in my writing.