How to Prepare for and Succeed at Job Interviews

A system for preparing and presenting your best self

Wang Yip
Published in
7 min readNov 27, 2020


Photo by Constantin Wenning on Unsplash

Back at the end of February this year, I was let go from my job. Over the course of the following 8 months, I applied to 30–40 jobs. Out of those job applications, I was invited for three job interviews. I had to decline one because I already had full-time employment. But with the other two job interviews, I received job offers.

I don’t have any hard facts to back it up, but I can say with reasonable confidence that when I get a job interview, I think of myself as an odds-on favorite to get a job offer. It’s happened to me before too — when I was applying to co-op jobs, I would get one, maybe two interviews a term, and then get a job offer right away. Coming out of university into the recession, I had three or four interviews and then got a job that propelled me on the path I currently am on.

What I would like to share in this article are all the preparation strategies I use for job interviews. I will cover strategies for before the interview, during the interview, and after the interview, and my hope with this article is that it can one day help you prepare for your job interview (and get an offer).

Assuming you have an interview and that is mostly behavioral-based:



Wang Yip

Author of Essential Habits. I write about personal development, work and managing your career. Connect with me at