Immersing in the Must-See Art of Visualization

Lum Che
Published in
4 min readNov 6, 2023

A Profound Journey into the Power of Mind’s Eye

Photo by Sam Moghadam Khamseh on Unsplash

So what is visualization? Is it just a dream or a fleeting thought? Some think it is a waste of time, but that’s were they are wrong.

Visualization itself is a highly transformative process that engages with your mind, igniting your imagination and paving your way for turning dreams into reality.

After all, If you can dream it, the it must come true.

“When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.”

— Walt Disney

Sometimes in life, all we need is a little vision to see our destination.

Like a painter standing before a blank canvas, we must craft images of our thoughts, goals, and desires that resonate deeply within.

Whenever I visualize, I always engage all my senses for an even more vivid image.

Yes! To see any progress in visualization, you must engage in seeing, feeling, smelling, and hearing to the best of your abilities.

If your desire is to be on a tropical beach for vacation, hear the birds, smell the palms all around you, taste the food, see the view despite you not being there yet.

And to better help with visualization, here are 5 techniques that dive deeper in to amplifying your practice.

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

1) Guided Imagery

This one is an easy, but sometimes complicated one.

First, you have to close your eyes, breathe deeply, and enter a realm of deep relaxation.

Entering a deep state of relaxation can sometimes take time because even when our bodies are resting in a relaxed position, our brains are not. And soon, you find yourself thinking random worries that only help in making your anxiety worse.

But if you actively control your thoughts, assuring yourself with your abilities, you will find that your mind will get cleared in no time.

Once your mind is relaxed, you must then visualize a scene or a scenario that embodies your aspirations.

Whether it’s a peaceful garden or a professional milestone, immerse yourself fully, drawing upon your senses to make it a lifelike experience.

2) Vision Boards:

I know, I know… Your shock to see this on here, but I guarantee you that iy truly works.

Vision Boards are beyond their seem-to-be casual collections of astatically pleasing images.

With these images before you, it is now easy to visualize and manifest your desires and goals as you please.

Once you collect what you are pleased with, begin by arranging these images, quotes, and symbols in a way that signifies your aspirations.

Trust me, by consistently exposing yourself to this collage, you will be keeping your goals at the forefront of your mind.

3) Mental Rehearsal

Yup! I said it, Mental rehearsing.

Do you know that many athletes envision themselves wining a race before the race begins?

By replaying a situation in your mind before it happens, you are also increasing your familiarity and confidence for the actual event.

4) Future-Self Visualization

This is the one, I find I love the most.

When I close my eyes in practice, I always envision the person I aspire to become — their achievements, characteristics, and emotions associated with your ideal self.

By immersing myself in this state, I find I often get more motivated than I usually am, with my goals now clearly engraved in my mind.

5) Affirmations with Visualization:

This is a must-do step for me because only by pairing positive affirmations with visualization, can your beliefs get reinforced.

After visualizing your desired scenario, always repeat your most-believed affirmations aloud or in your mind to reinforce your focus and confidence in the visualization.

This exercise does wonders in guiding you to manifest your goals.

So what are my concluding thoughts?

Photo by Vicky Hladynets on Unsplash

Visualization is an amazing and transformative practice that has the power to shift our beliefs and actualize all our ambitions as vividly as we please.

Why? Because by inviting these images and sensations into our mind’s eye, we are setting the stage for their realization in your reality.

What’s more, visualization is also a practical tool deeply rooted in neuroscience.

Understand that when you visualize, your brain then activates neural pathways related to the imagined activity, which work in stimulating similar brain regions as when you physically perform the action.

These mental visualization activities can enhance your skills, improve your confidence, and increase your motivation, making achieving the goal seem more attainable.

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Lum Che

Freelance Writer. I write about life, health, travels, history, relationships, beauty and books.