Learn Better // Live Better

mohammedshazeb khan
Published in
4 min readFeb 16, 2019
“you have more potential than you think you have”_ (Google images)

It’s all over the web, personal development gurus,wiki-how, YouTube is crammed with techniques and methods that can be used to learn better, you’re probably here because you searched for the same things and got here. without wasting a second let me tell you about the many interesting things I have learned throughout my journey of continuous learning.

1. know that you’re capable

the first steps

Every journey starts with a single step so know that in order to start first of all you must believe in yourself. There are a variety of people in this world and not all are bad, but the truth is that not all are good. Either way, you still have to start somewhere and what's better than to

“start with a firm belief in yourself”

whether you had a knack for a particular instrument or sport or maybe you had a passion for writing, whatever it is contribute it to the world. The human brain is speculated to have a processing power of more than 1 exaFLOP, which is a fancy word for a billion-billion calculations per second!. You are capable of something BIG!

2. learning from experiences

“your experiences make you”

human beings are experiential. We are shaped by our experiences and circumstances.No I’m not talking only about jobs or occupations only, I’m talking about everything you have been through.there is always something to learn from. There are countless things people have learned from failure and that’s why I call failure the “king of experiences”.In engineering, we design stuff and learn from the ways things fail and that’s where we ‘engineer’, another quite fancy term for ‘improvise’.So

“learn from your experiences there is always something valuable in them”

3. have a why (and stay that way)

“I have no special talent, i’m only passionately curious”-Albert Einstein

everything we are learning started in the minds of madly curious people. Everything starts with a question, when? how? were? are? am? will? can? (etc).When you want to do something (even learning) you must start to ask yourselves questions since they form the basis for all your focused efforts. You can’t get answers without asking questions.

“mistakes might not give you answers but they give you questions for a greater answer”

4.Think differently

what distinguishes us from other species of the animal kingdom is that we have the capacity to think and to think about thinking! but many people overthink including me. To learn you must think differently and from different perspectives.

Einstien’s got a point

5. learn from people who have ‘been there, done that’

there are already people in this world who have achieved heights similar to your yearning. Learn from them, model them and imitate their ways. There are valuable depths of information you are still yet to discover if you read some of history’s most influential biographies.


6. practice

throughout history all outliers and influential people have gone through rigorous practice and persistence, talent is not a superpower or quirk it is simply the disciplined pursuit of passion



reading is by far one of the most useful habits that can be developed. It has had the main role of empowering me and nourishing my intellectual, philosophical, psychological, scientific and imagination needs. I’m not telling you to read a load whumping 800-page calculus book the only thing I’m saying is that you develop a habit for reading, and since you’re living in the information age (thankfully) you have a wide variety of summaries available so you can effortlessly read more in less time.

Get out there and read!

